Representative Council Elections – What? When? Why?


What are AYY and the Representative Council?

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) represents students from Aalto University. It does for example advocacy work (for example the Nordea pop-up banking service during the first week), has many services (like housing and rental facilities) and organizes events (do you know Café Lingua or International sitsit?).

AYYs most important decisions are made by the representative council. Representative council has 45 members who are chosen democratically by elections. All the candidates who got at least one vote become deputy members of the council so they can participate in discussions, give their insight and get all the information even though they wouldn’t participate in the meetings. The term lasts two years, but it’s not inevitable to be present the whole time as there are plenty of deputy members.  Representative council has meetings on average once a month except in the summer. The council decides for example on policy papers and gives advice on what the student union should concentrate on.


Being a member of the council, I get a direct channel to voice my concerns about the development of AYY. Despite the number of international students growing each year in the Aalto community, our engagement in student politics remains very grim.

The majority of the internationals either think that they would not be welcome at the council, or that they would never gather enough votes to be elected, or even that they have no part to play in Finnish student politics. Neither of these are true! AYY offers interpreters to every council meeting, and in last elections you needed a bit more than 10 votes to get elected (anyone with will can do it!). As a growing population in Aalto (and Finland) international students have to be proactive and take a step further to make themselves visible by the community (and explain to them that we are not exchange students!!!). Running for the council is the best way to step up and have an impact on your environment!

Bernardo Clementino

Master’s in Strategy student – Aalto Party Council Member


Why to become a candidate ?

AYY has an important role in our student and university community and representative council decides what the student union should do. As its name states, the council represents students so it’s important that there are students from different study fields and backgrounds. Some reasons to apply for the council could be making Aalto community more open, multicultural and inviting to everyone.

Being a candidate also teaches a lot about the student union and Finnish society. It’s a great possibility to meet people while doing something important.

What do I need to know?

Nothing. You don’t need to have any on experience council work or student advocacy. The most important job of a representative is to give him/her opinion on different topics. It the beginning of the term there are training so everyone will learn the basics. Before the council has to make decisions information and time to discussion if given so that everyone can make enlightened decisions. Usually candidates are part of a coalition (more on these later) where some of the members are more experienced so it’s always easy to ask for advice.

You don’t need to know Finnish. The documents are translated to English and in the meeting there are interpreters to make sure that everyone understands each other.

What are coalitions?

Coalitions are formed by students who feel like they have similar ideas about the future of the student union. Some coalitions represent students from specific study fields, some have political agenda and some for example a driven by a dream of more diverse, multicultural community. The coalitions can be found here. Some descriptions are still missing, but they should appear on that site soon.

All coalitions are actively looking for new candidates so don’t hesitate to contact them and ask for more information.

It’s also possible to form your own coalition by filling out a form here.

Some important deadlines

  • 22.9 Come and ask more about representative council at AYYs stand at Campus Expo
  • 30.9 at 12.00 Nomination of candidates ends
  • 26.10 Advance voting starts
  • 4.11 voting results are published

Where to get more information?

  1. The official page for elections can be found here:
  2. Come to Campus Expo where AYY board has an elections themed checkpoint. It’s a great opportunity to ask anything about the council and meet different coalitions. And get free VIP-passes to an ice-hockey game!
  3. You may contact me (milja.asikainen(at) if you have any questions or hesitations
  4. Bernardo Clementino (bernardo.clementino(at), who is now a council member from Aalto Party coalition, has promised to give insight on how it’s like to be a council member

I got interested, what do to next?

  1. Find an interesting coalition and contact them or form your own coalition (information above).
  2. Remember to fill out the nomination form before 30.9.  (coalitions will help you with that)
  3. Advertise you and your coalition before the elections
  4. Vote in the elections (last day 4.11)
  5. Be exited at the Election Night
  6. Learn a lot, have an impact and enjoy your time in the representative council!

Milja Asikainen

AYY board member, international affairs


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