Policy papers and statements online – quite trilingually

Happy news to all of you who want to read about AYY policies in Swedish or English. Translations of the three policy papers that Representative Council approved in March are now online. On the same pages you can also find some of the statements that AYY has made during this year. Unfortunately, everything is still not translated but we’ll get there, eventually. Hopefully we will be able to publish translations of all vital documents more quickly in the future.

Swedish translations: http://www.ayy.fi/node/890
English translations: http://www.ayy.fi/node/889
Finnish originals: http://www.ayy.fi/node/765

Also, thanks to all of you who took your time to answer our language survey! We received as many as 70 answers to both Swedish and English forms and 140 answers to the Finnish version. These results form a good foundation for our work on the language strategy for AYY which will provide our employees and board with clear guidelines on the use of different languages. Hopefully we will also find effective ways to make all student union activities, including the decision-making bodies, more accessible to members who do not speak Finnish. First draft of the language strategy will be published for comments in August so stay tuned!


1.Suomalainen tutkintoon johtava korkeakoulutus on kaikille opiskelijoille maksutonta.

2.Työuria pidennetään panostamalla opiskelu- ja työkykyyn.

3.Innovaatiopolitiikassa panostetaan korkeakouluista kumpuavaan ja markkinaehtoiseen


4.Kansainvälisten osaajien integroitumisen ja työllistymisen esteet poistetaan.

5.Vanhemmuuden kustannukset jaetaan tasan kaikkien työnantajien kesken.

6.Metropolialuetta kehitetään yhtenä kokonaisuutena.

7.Opintoraha ja asumislisä sidotaan indeksiin ja opintolainaa kehitetään ja sen tasoa nostetaan.

8.Korkeakoulujen opiskelijavalintoja kehitetään painottamaan alalle ja koulutukseen soveltuvuutta.

9.Teknillisen korkeakoulutuksen ja kaupallisen ammattikorkeakoulutuksen sisäänottoja pienennetään.

10.Korkeakoulujen rahoitus perustuu pääosin taide-, tiede- ja työmarkkinalähtöisiin laadullisiin kriteereihin.

1) Degree studies in Finnish higher education institutions (HEIs) is tuition-free for all students.

2) Measurers to increase length of working career should be focused on improving ability to study and work.

3) Innovation policy should emphasize market-oriented entrepreneurship emerging from HEIs.

4) Barriers for integration and employment must be removed from foreign professionals.

5) Costs of parenthood are divided evenly between all employers.

6) Capital region must be developed as one whole.

7) Study grant and housing supplement should be indexed and student loan should be developed and its level be raised.

8) Admissions to HEIs should be developed to better measure applicants’ fit to the prospective professions and field of education.

9) Intakes to higher education in the field of technology should be reduced. Intakes to economics and business programs in universities of applied sciences should be reduced.

10) Funding of HEIs should be based on criteria emerging artistic and scientific quality as well as criteria based on labor markets.

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