Excursion to Nokia Siemens Networks

On Monday April 18th, International Degree Students Committee (IDSC) organised an excursion. We went to Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) service excellence center as we planned. Despite of the great interest for participation, due to the limited number of places, 20 students had been registered for the event. Unfortunately only eleven of them showed up, and seven of them didn’t even bother to inform us that they cannot make it! This was dissapointing since there were around 20 people on the waiting list.

However the excursion was a success for the ones who participated. The place was in Espoo headquarter of NSN located at Karaportti 8. We started by taking a picture and then being guided to a magnificent salon with a very big screen. I personally loved it. I wish I had a home theatre like that in my place! Anyway, there we were introduced to Kitta Virtavuo, head of business HR in NSN, who talked about NSN in general and also recruitment process. By the way, she told us that we were the first student group that has ever visited NSN. Also she mentioned that there are some vacant places available for summer jobs and doing master thesis at NSN. If you are interested, go to http://www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com/summer and check it out by yourself; it is a really cool place to work, if you ask me!

Kitta mentioned that the minimum time for processing an application at NSN is two weeks; and everyone who apply for a position will receive a letter afterward, even as a “No, Thanks!” letter. This is actually cool in my opinion, as many companies don’t even bother to let you know that they have processed your application and have decided to screw you!

Thereafter, we were introduced to a new networking technology called LTE or 4G. Since I’m not an IT guy, I was not really interested in this part and the next two sessions, which were about new networking technologies. However, I am pretty sure that the other students did actually enjoy the nice presentations.

In between the sessions, they served us with tea, coffee and cookies; so those students who didn’t show up, at least missed this part if they didn’t the rest! During the presentation about 4G technology, they also showed us five minutes of “The Dark Knight” movie, which was damn good watching it at that big screen!

Anyway, the excursion was fun and useful for me and other participants. Special thanks to Jukka Salo, head of R&D in NSN, for planning this excursion for us. If you wanna have such experience in the future, please keep an eye on our future events and join us. But please show up at the end if you register; otherwise don’t take this chance from other interested students.

See you on next excursion!

Best regards

Arsham / International Degree Students Committee

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