Greetings from the International Section Mosaic!

Our student union appears to everyone in a different way. For some, it appears as an organisation which provides housing, for others it means advocacy work in our Aalto community. Some think about the student union’s support for our diverse association field. Rarely, however, we think about the international aspect. Our university is very international and we have plenty of international students. Many Aalto students travel abroad for exchange studies. The activities of our student union are also international. Many sub-associations have active international students and some associations provide the Finnish students with opportunities to become international. Our student union also keeps in touch with student unions in other countries and has influence on education policy across the borders.

What is Mosaic then? It is the international section of our student union. The mission of the section is to organise international events both for the Finnish and international students. It also organises Café Linguas, for example, where you can discover new languages and cultures. Mosaic also organises World Dinner 1-2 times per year, where you can explore dishes from various countries. You may also have participated in MP3 Experience, which brings people together, regardless of their nationality. Mosaic is also responsible for bringing together all international students operating within the student union, which mainly takes place in an international super meeting twice a year. For this year, Mosaic has also planned completely new events that have not been seen before.

At the moment, six people are involved in Mosaic, two of whom are international students. However, everyone has the desire to work internationally and get to know international people. This year, we have organised two Café Linguas and checkpoints on Winter Day and Jämeränjälki. Together we have made plans for the spring and for the autumn to some extent. However, we do not only implement events but we also have leisure activities. We have spent evenings together and cooked tasty food, such as Chinese dumplings. Currently, our group is still small. If you are interested in international activities, you can still get involved and organise events or possibly even develop something completely new. In this case, you may contact the undersigned.



If you are interested in our activities, you can like Mosaic site on Facebook and get more information on our events:

Our next event will be Café Lingua at Restaurant Cantina next Wednesday, 5pm-7pm: Also remember to sign up for World Dinner on 6th of March


On behalf of the international section of our student union, I wish you all a happy spring!

Lauri Peltola

Chair of Mosaic

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