Mosaic’s RuDi Rock took over Otaniemi – delicious food and surprising encounters

RuDi Rock was organised in Otaniemi on 28 Oct by AYY’s internationality section Mosaic. The event concept in brief was to cook in pairs either appetizers, main course or dessert, serve your dish to two other pairs and eat other courses at the home of other couples. Finally, the after party was organised at Smökki.

RuDi Rock stands for Running Dinner, and Rock means the after party. The concept is originally from somewhere in Europe, and now events are held all over the world under the names Rudirock, Running Dinner, Progressive Dinner and so on.

”I had my first encounter with RuDi when I had my student exchange in Aachen, Germany in 2012-2013. At that time, a massive event of almost 2,500 participants was organised in the city and the after party was organised in a huge local disco. A miniversion of RuDi was organised in our dormitory, and I participated with my Finnish friend.”                                                                                                                Niklas, Mosaic

The main features of RuDi Rock are good company and good food. The cooking budget is EUR 8/person and in return you can have a complete dinner and get to know six other pairs, meaning 12 new people! In addition, at the after party you get to meet the same people again, discuss the evening’s events, share photos and party. RuDi is by no means only intended for either the Finnish or international students, but the different backgrounds of participants enrich the experience. When you participate with a friend, it may be easier to speak English and meet other students across the Finnish/international border. That is why AYY’s Internationality Section Mosaic is the natural organisation to arrange RuDi in Otaniemi.

”I was a bit nervous about how this might go, as we have not organised this event before and Mosaic’s credibility was also at stake. But in the end, it was not that difficult to organise RuDI, as long as you can keep your excel sheets in order and organise the after party. Participants are the ones who create the event, and the organisers are in the background.”                                                                                                                                Niklas, Mosaic

27 pairs registered for RuDi Rock in October. Communications were successful, we did not have any major problems and not many people cancelled their participation. Based on the collected feedback, the event received a grade of 4.81 on the scale of 1-5, and a humble 100% would participate again.

”This RuDi was an insanely successful event, people loved it and provided good feedback! We talked about re-organising the event with the person who will most likely be the next chairperson of Mosaic and we considered organising the event again in the spring. We will promote the event more and get the entire Otaniemi involved!”                                                                           Niklas, Mosaic

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