Meet the AYY board of 2015: Saana Rossi, academic affairs

Opintoneuvosto 2015 vessassa Arabiassa

The study representative committee in the toilet in Arabia

A joyful morning to you!

I’m Saana, and I’m in charge of academic affairs in Ayy for 2015. My academic affair -animal is the blackbear, and in my civilian life I’m a fourth year architecture student. In the Ayy board I’m also responsible for scholarships.

My interest for Ayy first awoke a few years ago as the newly elected study representative for the guild of architecture. I wanted to experience student politics on both the university and national level. I spent the year 2014 with architecture, student housing and the school of ARTS, until the time felt ripe to try my wings in AYY. After Niko called to offer me a place on the new board, I kept grinning maniacally for at least a week.

The year 2015 has begun hectically and excitedly. The board has met with interest groups from inside and outside the student union, started the work year and gotten to know Aalto management better. As a representative of academic affairs, I’m in the lucky position to get to work with not only a fabulous board but also my fellow academic affairs rep Joonas, great staff and my own study representatives committee (above there’s a sneak peak into our exchange event).

My main goal for the year is to make Aalto students more aware of their possibilities to affect our learning environment. Student input is needed everywhere in the university, and with but a little effort you can enhance our school environment. If you know how something should be done in your school, don’t keep your mouth shut! Tell your friends and make a difference!

<3 Saana




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