Introducing the board of AYY: Tuulia Telin, Social Affairs and New Students


Exchange tutoring fall semester 2014


Hey there,

I’m Tuulia, 5th year student at Aalto BIZ. And guess what, I’m moving to Otaniemi! I’m quite excited about working on the board of AYY this year. So what will I be doing? Building an even better student community for all of us, I hope. I’m responsible for social affairs and new students. So basically everything that has to do with the wellbeing of our students and tutoring. No biggie ๐Ÿ˜›

Next fall semester our community is facing a huge opportunity when the Aalto BIZ bachelor students start their studies in Otaniemi. I say opportunity, not challenge. I believe our community will be even richer after the move in ways we can’t even imagine yet!

But in order for this amazing opportunity to become reality we need everyone’s effort. I want everyone to feel comfortable and creative in our community. So if you have any thoughts or ideas on anything related to these topics, please let me know! I also want to emphasize how much I wish for all of us to be proud of our accomplishments as students in Aalto. I for one feel I have been super fortunate to having been able to learn so much from so many of you, so thank you for that. I also want to remind you that eventhough our community is pretty awesome, none of us feels awesome all the time (okey except Barney Stinson) and that’s totally fine. However, I urge you to follow your dreams fearlessly, be open to new projects and make the most of these unique years!

Take care guys, of yourselves and others around you!

<3 Tuulia

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