The Board’s visit to Copenhagen – DTU Lyngby Campus

In early May, AYY Board visited Polyteknisk Foreningen, the Student Union of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen. DTU is one of the leading technical universities in Europe. During the visit, we had fruitful discussions on students’ livelihood, communal living, tuition fees and the university’s community spirit. We had a long tour around the campus,which made a great impression on us. Below I present the best aspects of the campus in pictures.

The campus area is large, it comprises 106 hectares and more than hundred buildings. However, it is relatively easy to go around the campus, as it is divided into four parts by coordinate axes. The coordinate origin is located next to the main building in the centre of the campus and the main roads of the campus work as axes, which are nearly perpendicular to each other. Each building is numbered and the first number tells you the coordinate quarter in which it belongs and the remaining two numbers tell you approximately how far away from the origin the building is located.

The Lungby Campus is filled with trees. Outdoor areas and even parking spaces are parks and there are trees also inside the buildings.



Even the parking space passing through the campus resembles a park


Kampuksen kiertÀÀ viiden kilometrin mittainen lenkkipolku

A five-kilometre jogging path goes round the campus

Rakennusten sisÀllÀkin voi rentoutua puiden varjossa

You can relax in the shade of trees even inside the buildings





















There is plenty of construction work on the campus, however, construction sites are made interesting and interactive.

Työmaan seinÀÀn saa laattoja kÀÀntÀmÀllÀ tehdÀ omia taideteoksia

You can make your own works of art on the construction site wall by turning the tiles


Työmaalle pÀÀsee kurkistelemaan seinÀssÀ olevien aukkojen kautta tai kiipeÀmÀllÀ palikoiden pÀÀlle

You can peek into the construction site through openings on the wall or by climbing on top of the blocks


Campus corridors and lobbies are utilised as study facilities.


Couches on the corridor


University facilities have plenty of recreational space for students.


S-huset, the student house of DTU’s Polyteknisk Föreningen student union has pool tables, for example


Jokaisessa kampuksen neljÀnneksessÀ on opiskelijavoimin pyörivÀ baari. Kuvassa kemian osaston Etheren

Each campus quarter has a bar run by students. In the picture, Etheren bar of the Chemistry Department


Facilities also include games that develop intelligence and other skills.

PÀÀrakennuksen sisÀpihalta löytyy kenttÀ suosittua juomapeliÀ varten

There is a field in the courtyard of the main building for a popular drinking game


Kirjastossa on valtava shakkilauta

Enormous chess board in the library


Milja Asikainen

Board Member, International Affairs



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