First steps to start your career

Step 1: Graduate and start looking for a job. In a happy scenario your employer will support you to finish your studies while working. However, do graduate!

Step 2: Get the job. Your dream job? I looked for many aspects, and with Capgemini’s YPA program I was able to tick many things off my list. I didn’t choose my role, but the role was matched for me based on my characteristics. It turned out that the role I was the most interested in happened to best match my profile as well. So happy me! With YPA you can skip the traditional interviews and participate in a workshop instead.

Step 3: Start working. So now starts the interesting part. Is my life going to be nine to five, waking up to the same day, day after day? After student life it might feel horrible to wake up to an alarm clock every day and only have five weeks off per year. On the brighter side, you also get paid for it! If you like your job, you don’t even feel bad waking up and going to work to see your colleagues. I have a bunch of friends pursuing their careers and still maintaining that lifestyle they want, so it is possible.

Work itself has brought more responsibilities than I had in my previous summer jobs. This time I feel that I can really improve and develop my skills further. At work you have to be able to tolerate uncertainty and that the world is not black and white. Things taught at school might work or not work at all depending on the situation. One thing is sure, you will learn so much more than when in university. For me this was the best part: to move from theory to practice.

Step 4: Do have a life outside of work as well. I spent three years ticking things off my bucket list before I started my thesis and applied for a permanent job e.g. snowboarding one winter in Canada. It’s never too late or never too early to do things you like!

Marianne is finalizing her studies in the Information Networks degree programme at Aalto University and started working at Capgemini as a project manager in November 2016 through the Young Professionals Academy.

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