Hallitus esittäytyy – Katariina: from expectations to experiences


Me celebrating Vappu last year.

I’m Katariina, a 3rd year Economics student at Aalto University School of Business. Last fall I was studying Business in National University of Singapore, where I did my exchange studies. I got to meet people from around the world, and hear about the different ways of organizing the student life. This made me appreciate the way Aalto University Student Union works, and I wanted to have a greater impact in it as being the board member. I also feel that Aalto University has a lot to offer to national and international students with its innovative courses and mindset. Sure there is still a lot to improve, as we are still a young university.

I have done a lot of volunteering before joining the board. For example I have been a member in the Academic Affairs Committee and Student Council in Aalto University Business Students, responsible of the alumni relations in Aalto Economics, took care of corporate relations in Women of Aalto, took part in organizing the first FallUp by Aaltoes and volunteered in SLUSH a few times.

In the board my portfolio includes things I’m passionate about: academic affairs, artistic activities and social global impact. Academic affairs include influencing in study related matters, like course schedules and improving the interdisciplinary courses. In artistic activities I make sure that our ARTS students are heard and seen at the school. With development cooperation we have an exciting project coming up.

I hope this year will be epic and full of meaningful student advocacy cases. This year’s big topics include the start of collecting tuition fees from countries outside of EU and EEA. We need to pay attention on how this affects the students. Also the elections are approaching around the corner, both municipal elections and representative council elections. It is important that us, students, are awake in these important times and influence in the matters close to us. Also the rest of ARTS students are moving to Otaniemi next year, which will create more interdisciplinary interactions, which I’m excited about.

I feel that AYY is a comfortable place to learn by doing. There is a strong network to rely on and our specialists have an incredible knowledge on their subjects. I hope that AYY would seem like a supportive platform for everyone in the union. We are here for you – feel free to come and have a chat with me at any time!

Photo source: http://fi.pinterest.com/pin/301037556326918112/



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