AYY awarded the students’ Seal of Approval to the quiet room in the Undergraduate Centre

AYY awarded the student’s Seal of Approval to the quiet room that was opened in the Undergraduate Centre in May 2017. The award was presented to Seija Piiponniemi-Lahti, the Head of Security at Aalto University, by AYY’s 2017 Board Member Emmi Kosomaa and International Affairs Specialist Rosa Väisänen.

AYY’s Emmi Kosomaa ja Rosa Väisänen (on the left) awarded the Seal of Approval to Seija Piiponniemi-Lahti and HR Manager Eliisa Lassila. Picture: Eeva Lehtinen.

The Aalto University quiet room was opened for the purpose of private, quiet times of meditation, calming down, praying or just being, and the room can be used by all Aalto students and staff regardless of  their religion, world views and nationality. At Aalto, there are both religious and non-religious people that need a space for prayers and silence during the working day. Opening this room to the public is a great example of the development work of an international university that is aware of the needs of an international community. Thanks to this and the positive user experiences, AYY is happy to give the Seal of Approval to the quiet room.

The quiet room is located in the Otaniemi Undergraduate Centre on the ground floor of the M wing (room M135).

Read more:

Quiet room opens in Undergraduate Centre

Students’ Seal of Approval can be awarded to practices that students have found especially good at Aalto University. By awarding the Seal of Approval we want to give credit to those practices that somehow improve e.g. students’ wellbeing, study meaningfulness, interaction or community atmosphere. AYY’s advocacy sector collects ideas from different areas of the University with the help of students and awards the best ones a couple of times a year!

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