So what’s up with the Facilities Sector?

Rentable facilities and event venues are one of AYY’s most significant member services. AYY’s Facilities Sector works to ensure that those facilities and venues meet the needs and standards of the users. Other parties, such as the Campus Section and the Smökki kitchen training team, also have a large role to play in the development.

AYY’s facilities can be rented and booked by both associations and individual members alike. The venues enable organizing many different kinds of events and gatherings, and through this, they act as a strong developer of community.

The upkeep and development of the facilities are the responsibility of the Facilities Sector, comprised of a yearly changing member of the Board in charge of facilities, the Service Manager and other members of staff from the Service and Real Estate sectors. Because there is a large amount of facilities and some of them are very frequently rented, the information received from renting parties in the form of checklists is crucial to our work. So thank you all of you who fill out and return the checklists promptly! With the lists, the Facilities Sector can quickly learn of any deficiencies or faults and can remedy and renovate them as quickly as possible.


The brightly lit Ossinkulma, the Ossinsauna (renovated by the Campus Sector), the traditional Rantasauna, and the Atlantinkatu sauna, situated in the Jätkäsaari building in Helsinki.


AYY Facilities Sector in numbers in 2017:

  • 9 saunas
  • 17 ballrooms for sitsi parties and other events
  • Over 7000 bookings during 2017 (a staggering amount!)
  • 1 completely new facility (Atlantinkatu cabinet & sauna) 
  • 1 completely renovated facility (Ossinsauna, thank you Campus Section!)
  • 2 pre-booking events (known more endearingly as “tilakähmyt”)
  • Several updates on amenities in different venues: PA systems, home appliances, furniture, crockery and tableware…


What’s going down in 2018?

The renovations for Jämeräntaival 3, 5 and 7 continue, which will affect clubrooms, rentable venues and storage spaces situated in these buildings during 2018. No new bookings have been accepted for Gorsu since the 8th of January, and the next rentable facilities that will be removed from the roster are the Tatami Hall and the Living Room of Teekkari Village (on the 1st of April), as well as the Multi-Facility Hall (1st of July). By the turn of the year, the renovations will also cause the Sitsi Kitchen, Takka Cabinet and Rooftop Sauna venues to be out of use for some time. The renovations will challenge event organizers, but they also bring options to develop the venues themselves. We aim to listen to the wishes and feedback of users even more when designing and renovating our facilities. We will surely return to this during 2018! Feedback and ideas can already be sent to the Facilities Sector, via for example email to

And yes, we really do read the checklists you return!

Have an awesome spring!

Riitu Nuutinen
Works as the Service Manager for AYY

All AYY rental facilities, booking instructions and terms of use can be found on the AYY web pages at: /en/students/services/rental-of-facilities/

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