Archive for the ‘Uncategorized @en’ Category

Edelleen maukasta ja edullista ruokaa – viikon 14 DIY ruokalista – torstaina

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

Paahdetut kik-herneet

1 tlk kik-herneitÀ
2 rkl öljyÀ
2 tl garam masala -mausteseosta
1 tl kurkumaa
1 tl suolaa
1/2 tl jauhettua inkivÀÀriÀ
1/2 tl chiliÀ

Huuhtele kik-herneet kylmÀllÀ vedellÀ ja kuivaa ennen mausteöljyn lisÀÀmistÀ.

Sekoita kaikki mausteet öljyn joukkoon ja yhdistÀ kik-herneet ja mausteöljy leivinpaperilla pÀÀllystetyllÀ uunipellillÀ.

Paahda kik-herneitÀ 200-asteisen uunin kiertoilmatoiminnolla noin 35 minuuttia. Herneet saavat rapeutua ihan kunnolla.

NÀmÀ maistuvat erinomaisilta salaateissa ja vÀlipalana.


HyviÀ ruokahetkiÀ

toivottelee Otaniemen wannabe-kokki


Maukasta, edukasta ja ravinteikasta ruokaa – viikon 14 DIY ruokalista – keskiviikkona

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Leivo itse


Yön yli lepÀÀvÀt sÀmpylÀt kaupan kumipallojen sijaan ja lime-lohta

NythÀn on niin, ettÀ paras sÀmpylÀohje (ja myös pizza-, kts tulevan perjantain pizzaohje) syntyy ajan kanssa, ei hÀtiköiden eikÀ varsinkaan murjoen!

(ohje Myllyn paras)


Yön yli lepÀÀvÀt sÀmpylÀt

 10-12 kpl

3 dl maitoa, piimÀÀ tai vettÀ
15 g hiivaa
1 tl suolaa
1 rkl siirappia
2 rkl rypsiöljyÀ
6-7 dl sÀmpylÀjauhoseosta

Tee taikina illalla:
Liota hiiva kylmÀÀn veteen. LisÀÀ suola ja siirappi ja alusta taikinaksi jauhojen avulla. LisÀÀ loppuvaiheessa öljy. Taikina saa olla löysÀhköÀ. PeitÀ kulho kelmulla ja laita yöksi jÀÀkaappiin.

Ja leivo seuraavana pÀivÀnÀ:
Leivo kohonnat taikina tangoksi ja leikkaa siitÀ 9-12 palasta. Voit pyöritellÀ sÀmpylöiksi, mutta helpommalla pÀÀsee vain leikkaamalla ja taputtelemalla palat pellille. Itse olen kÀyttÀnyt muffinssivuokia, jotta sÀmpylÀt pysyvÀt kuosissaan. LÀmmitÀ uuni 40 asteeseen ja kohota sÀmpylöitÀ uunissa leivinliinalla peiteltyinÀ puolisen tuntia. Nosta pelti pois uunista, muuta lÀmpötilaksi 225 astetta. Kun uuni on lÀmmennyt, laita sÀmpylÀt takaisin uuniin ja paista keskitasolla 10-15 minuuttia.

Ja sÀmpylöiden kaverina maistuu maukas linssikeitto tai sitten lime-lohi, helpoin ruoka ikinÀ.

Lime-mehu kypsentÀÀ lohen hetkessÀ kypsÀksi. Tee nÀin:

Osta lohifile, leikkaa siitÀ ohuen ohuita siivuja ja laita ne laakeaan vuokaan, kaada lime-mehupullosta mehua niin paljon, ettÀ lohisiivut peittyvÀt, laita jÀÀkaappin odottamaan 20 minuutiksi -> valmista!

Lime-mehua myydÀÀn kaikissa ruokakaupoissa (ne kirkkaanvihreÀt pikkupullot, samanlaiset kuin vastaavat sitruuna-), voit toki kÀyttÀÀ halutessasi myös oikeasta limestÀ itsepuristettua mehua tai sitruunaa.

TÀssÀ ei mainita mitÀÀn mÀÀriÀ, kas, koska riippuu tÀysin itsestÀsi, kuinka valtavan satsin haluat tehdÀ?

Itse teen aina koko viikon annoksen: ensimmÀisenÀ pÀivÀnÀ syön nÀitÀ ryynÀttyjen juuresten kanssa (pilko kuoritut punajuuret, nauriit ja lantut pieniksi kuutioiksi ja paahda kuivalla paistinpannulla, lisÀÀ lopuksi suola ja hieman siirappia), toisena pÀivÀnÀ raakapaistan pieniÀ perunakuutioita lisukkeeksi ja kolmantena syön lohta leivÀn pÀÀllÀ, neljÀntenÀ munakkaan kanssa, viidentenÀ pienen (ja miksei isommankin) vihreÀn salaatin kera jne.

YleensÀ en lisÀÀ lainkaan suolaa, en mustaapippuria, en tilliÀ enkÀ lehtipersiljaa, maku on oiva jo tuollaisenaan.

Mutta jos haluat enemmÀn makua, niin nuo yllÀmainitut sopivat kyllÀ oikein hyvin.




Otaniemen wannabe-kokki


Maukasta, edullista, visuaalista ja ravintorikasta ruokaa – viikon 14 DIY ruokalista – tiistai

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Kaaliteema jatkuu…




Nyt kevÀÀllÀ saadaan uuden sadon valkokaalia, mikÀpÀ sen maukkaampaa ja edukkaampaa:

Poista varhaiskaalista uloimmat lehdet, halkaise kaali kahtia ja poista kova kanta.Suikaloi kaali ohueksi ja anna levÀtÀ hetki.

Valmista salaatinkastike nÀin: sekoita 1 purkki kermaviiliÀ, puoli punttia hienoksi hakattua tilliÀ, 1 rkl Dijon-sinappia,

loraus sitruunamehua, kaksi keitettyÀ kananmunaaa pilkottuna, ripaus suolaa ja mustapippuria.

Kaada kastike kaalin sekaan ja sekoita. Nauti sellaisenaan ja/tai lihan, kanan tai kalan kera.




Otaniemen wannabe-kokki


Maukasta, edullista, visuaalista ja jopa ravinteikasta ruokaa – viikon 14 (31.3.-6.4.) DIY ruokalista

Monday, March 31st, 2014

LÀhes (!) kaikki ainekset löytyvÀt paikallisesta (Otaniemi) A-kaupasta.


Kaalia kaaliin – maanantaina

MikÀ ruokaraaka-aine vastaisikaan pÀÀotsikon tekstiÀ paremmin kuin kukkakaali?

TÀssÀ oiva ohje mille tahansa gourmet-illalliselle:



4 annosta, 20 min


œ  (noin 250 g) kukkakaalista

1 dl kuorittuja manteleita

1 œ dl parmesaaniraastetta

1 valkosipulinkynsi

œ sitruunan raastettu kuori

veitsenkÀrjellinen kuivattuja chilihiutaleita

ripaus suolaa ja rouhittua mustapippuria

1 – 1  1/2 dl oliiviöljyĂ€


Tee nÀin: paloittele kukkakaalit pieniksi ja keitÀ niitÀ 2-3 minuuttia kevyesti suolatussa vedessÀ.

Valuta ja anna jÀÀhtyÀ. Lado mantelit monitoimikoneeseen, jossa on leikkuuterÀ. Aja karkeaksi. LisÀÀ kukkakaalit, parmesaani, hienonnettu valkosipulinkynsi ja mausteet. Aja tasaiseksi soseeksi. Ohenna öljyllÀ sopivan notkeaksi. Maistuu mainiosti kanaruuan lisukkeena tai ihan sellaisenaan.

Mantelin sijasta voit kĂ€yttÀÀ pĂ€hkinöitĂ€ tai pannulla paahdettuja pinjansiemeniĂ€. Chilihiutaleet voit jĂ€ttÀÀ poiskin, jos et niistĂ€ tykkÀÀ tai niitĂ€ ei löydy mistÀÀn (ainakin niistĂ€ Punnitse&SÀÀstĂ€ –kaupoista löytyy) ja sitruunamehua voit kaataa suoraan pullosta jos ei huvita raastaa.


Otaniemen wannabe-kokki

BLOOM: Aalto members broaden their horizons

Friday, March 21st, 2014

BLOOM – Bridge of Learning: Operation OndA! in Maputo began in the spring of  2013, when Aleksi Wallenius heard that he was elected as ETVO volunteer in Maputo. He wanted to bring Aalto University students from different fields to teach and learn in Mozambique and began to organise the project through Aalto University Student Union. The project was implemented in early 2014, when ten Aalto members headed to southern Africa for one month. They spent two weeks as guests of the local organisation ASSCODECHA in the slum of Chamanculo.

Children on the streets of Chamanculo. (above)// Older children took care of the younger ones. (C) Mariko Landström


Some of the participants used their experience for the university course Sustainable Global Technologies: Facing Local and Global Challenges, which includes a project related to sanitation challenges in Chamanculo, which is implemented in cooperation with the local organisation ASSCODECHA. During the first week on site, we provided the locals with various workshops and intensive courses, such as the English language course, IT course, business workshops, film-making workshop, future workshop, ultimate tournament and a variety of education events for children. In the second week, we organised Waste and Sanitation Hackathon in cooperation with STIFIMO, the common project of Mozambique Science and Technology Ministry and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In the project, the teams consisting of ASSCODECHA’s employees, local young people and the hacker community of the local university spent four days trying to come up with solutions for sanitation challenges in Chamanculo. Our group also formed a team and presented a dry toilet and urban farming concept as example solutions, but did not participate in the actual contest. The winning team was awarded with laptops. The jury included the World Bank consultant, Chamanculo’s local representative of municipal politics and the representative of the Embassy of Finland. On our last day in Chamanculo, we organised a festival where we cooked for everyone and taught various skills. The locals were also invited to participate in the arrangements by offering them food or by teaching their own skills. In the evening, we organised a traditional academic dinner party for the employees of ASSCODECHA in a local restaurant.



QuickRep-team presenting their ideas (above). // Future workshop (C) Caroline Moinel


During our visit, we collected background information for our course about sanitation challenges by visiting local homes, the school and different parts of Chamanculo and interviewed numerous people. When we got back to Finland, we have considered everything that we experienced and aimed at determining the focus for our project. We have decided to study the empowerment of the community and an individual through participatory processes, among other things, and particularly study the use of participatory processes in resolving sanitary challenges. Depending on ASSCODECHA, we will work with them to organise the next hackathon or similar kind of events, or the launching of a dry toilet or urban farming through a participatory process. In general, our wish is to empower the community and change their attitude towards the future and the control of their own life, as well as to improve sanitation in the area. The project is still in progress and slowly taking shape along with our literature research and the wishes of ASSCODECHA.



Teenagers from Chamanculo learning English (above) (C) Caroline Moinel//Aalto representatives and Camilla Nyroth heading back to the city centre in the evening. (C) Mariko Landström


The direction of our project reflects perhaps the biggest culture shock that at least I have experienced in Chamanculo; people live so strongly in the moment that they have no plans for the future. They neither seemed to have the concept of responsibility. People do not seem to take responsibility for their own lives, let alone anything else, and do not assume that anyone else, such as politicians or officials would take responsibility or initiative to improve the state of affairs. No one really seems to expect that things would change. People can name issues that could be changed, which would make them happier, but they have no intentions to change them. Usually, these are small issues, such as having a better house or a better toilet (usually self-made). Surely there are exceptions, and we met a family which had diligently improved their home and even planned to build an indoor toilet, for which they had already acquired the material. Naturally, income levels have effect on this issue.



Children doing Caroline’s hair (above). (C) Mariko Landström // Children learning how to recycle plastic bags (C) Caroline Moinel


Foremost, however, we remember the warmth and kindness of people in Chamanculo, the groups of children seeking attention, the sun and the neatly dressed locals. This experience also made us ponder on whether they are happier than we are.


You can read about our experiences, thoughts and the progress of our project on our blog:


-Mariko Landström and SGT team

Onko yhdistysten nykyinen toiminta-avustusmalli ajantasalla?

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

TÀmÀn vuoden suuri projekti AYY:n jÀrjestösektorilla on yhdistysten toiminta-avustusten pistemallin uudistaminen. NykyÀÀn kÀytetty malli on tehty vuonna 2010 ylioppilaskuntien yhdistyessÀ Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan mallin pohjalta. Mallia on sen jÀlkeen tarkennettu hieman vuonna 2011, ilman suurempia muutoksia. Yhteisömme kehittyy kuitenkin jatkuvasti ja sen takia tahdomme pohtia toiminta-avustuksia tarkemmin. Vuodelle 2014 toiminta-avustuksia on budjetoitu 94 500 euroa, joka on merkittÀvÀ summa AYY:n budjetista.

AYY:n yhdistysrekisteriin on kirjattu yli 200 yhdistystÀ. YhdistyksiÀ löytyy laidasta laitaan pienistÀ kymmenen jÀsenen harrastusyhdistyksistÀ yli 500 henkeÀ tavoittaviin, opintosuuntaa edustaviin yhdistyksiin. Yhdistysten toiminta hyvin erilaista; osa harrastaa viikottain jalkapalloa, osa kÀy pelaamassa roolipelejÀ, toiset tukevat start-up toimintaa. Uusia yhdistyksiÀ syntyy vuosittain useita ja vaikka osa yhdistyksistÀ lopettaa toimintansa, on trendi silti ollut kasvava.

Maaliskuun ajan on kÀynnissÀ AYY:n toiminta-avustushaku ja osalla yhdistyksistÀ tÀmÀ tuki on huomattavan merkittÀvÀ osa jatkuvaa toimintaa. Avustusten summat vaihtelevat 100 eurosta vajaaseen 2000 euroon riippuen yhdistyksen koosta, toiminnan kattavuudesta, mÀÀrÀstÀ ja monipuolisuudesta sekÀ sen vastuullisuudesta.

KÀytössÀ olevaan pisteytysmalliin voi tutustua /wp-content/uploads/Pisteytysmalli_2012.pdf). Lyhyesti pisteytys tapahtuu seuraavanlaisen ohjauksen mukaan:

– Yhdistyksen koko (20 p)

– Toiminnan mÀÀrĂ€ (40 p)

– Toiminnan monipuolisuus (20 p)

– Toiminnan kattavuus (15 p)

– Toiminnan vastuullisuus (5 p)

Kyseinen malli on hyvin neutraali, eikÀ ohjaa suoranaisesti yhdistysten toimintaa tai ota konkreettisesti moraalista kantaa niiden toimintaan. MietinnÀn alla onkin muu muassa se, tulisiko toiminta-avustuksilla pyrkiÀ ohjaamaan yhdistyksiÀ suurempaan vastuullisuuteen esimerkiksi taloudenpidossa tai kannustaa AYY:n linjojen mukaiseen toimintaan, esimerkiksi kansainvÀlisyyden edistÀmiseen. PitÀisikö huomioida, miten yhdistyksen toiminta tukee AYY:n omia tavoitteita? Miten sinun mielestÀ AYY:n tulisi tukea yhdistysten toimintaa? Onko nykyinen malli hyvÀ, puuttuuko siitÀ jotain tai pitÀisikö jotain kohtia painottaa enemmÀn? Palautetta ja ehdotuksia voi laittaa AYY:n jÀrjestösektorille


HyvÀÀ alkanutta kevÀttÀ ja muistakaa tÀytellÀ toiminta-avustushakemukset ajoissa!

Terkuin jÀrjestösektorilta

Niko Ferm

Hallituksen jÀsen, jÀrjestöt ja viestintÀ

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (AYY)


Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Fortunately, the Equal Marriage Act is once again being debated. In AYY, this became visible already on 20 Feb, when the citizens’ initiative was submitted to the Parliament for consideration. On that day, the student unions across Finland posted love-themed images to social media, which were marked with the hashtag #rakkauskuuluukaikille (lovebelongstoeveryone).

In addition, AYY started a card campaign one week ago, in which students can write their greetings in favour of the Equal Marriage Act to a member of parliament of their choice. AYY collects the cards and delivers them to the members of parliament. As expected, the card campaign has been a small and significant way of influence and a much talked about topic.

Along with the card campaign, questions have been raised in relation to AYY’s role as an organisation which has influence and prepares statements. Aalto University Student Union’s strategy, approved in the Representative Council meeting 12/2012, determines four organisation principles, one of which is ”AYY as an influencer”. AYY wants to be a responsible and social actor, which ”also raises difficult social problems and offers daring solutions for them”. On this basis, the Board has decided to participate in Tahdon2013 campaign in the year of 2013. AYY wishes that all Finnish citizens are equal before the law and that is why we openly present our view.

One of the most popular questions related to the card campaign seems to be why AYY uses its resources to such non-core activities. The card campaign took approximately five of AYY’s personnel hours. This is quite a small percentage of the personnel hours of a single week, let alone the personnel hours of an entire year.

In addition, in AYY’s viewpoint it is sometimes important to implement small projects, which are related to the acknowledgment of the special needs of minority groups (e.g. students with families, adult students). The card campaign is this kind of a small project. Also, the reality is that AYY’s employees, board and volunteers mainly focus on core activities, such as the promotion of better studies and student life, the so-called ”invisible work”.

Hopefully, the previously mentioned issues answered even some of the questions raised. Finally, I could summarise the main idea, which is hopefully endorsed by everyone: our students deserve fair and equal treatment.


On behalf of AYY,


Pauliina MĂ€kkeli

Board Member, Social Policy and Sports

Aalto University Student Union (AYY)

Greetings from the International Section Mosaic!

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Our student union appears to everyone in a different way. For some, it appears as an organisation which provides housing, for others it means advocacy work in our Aalto community. Some think about the student union’s support for our diverse association field. Rarely, however, we think about the international aspect. Our university is very international and we have plenty of international students. Many Aalto students travel abroad for exchange studies. The activities of our student union are also international. Many sub-associations have active international students and some associations provide the Finnish students with opportunities to become international. Our student union also keeps in touch with student unions in other countries and has influence on education policy across the borders.

What is Mosaic then? It is the international section of our student union. The mission of the section is to organise international events both for the Finnish and international students. It also organises Café Linguas, for example, where you can discover new languages and cultures. Mosaic also organises World Dinner 1-2 times per year, where you can explore dishes from various countries. You may also have participated in MP3 Experience, which brings people together, regardless of their nationality. Mosaic is also responsible for bringing together all international students operating within the student union, which mainly takes place in an international super meeting twice a year. For this year, Mosaic has also planned completely new events that have not been seen before.

At the moment, six people are involved in Mosaic, two of whom are international students. However, everyone has the desire to work internationally and get to know international people. This year, we have organised two Café Linguas and checkpoints on Winter Day and JÀmerÀnjÀlki. Together we have made plans for the spring and for the autumn to some extent. However, we do not only implement events but we also have leisure activities. We have spent evenings together and cooked tasty food, such as Chinese dumplings. Currently, our group is still small. If you are interested in international activities, you can still get involved and organise events or possibly even develop something completely new. In this case, you may contact the undersigned.



If you are interested in our activities, you can like Mosaic site on Facebook and get more information on our events:

Our next event will be Café Lingua at Restaurant Cantina next Wednesday, 5pm-7pm: Also remember to sign up for World Dinner on 6th of March


On behalf of the international section of our student union, I wish you all a happy spring!

Lauri Peltola

Chair of Mosaic

Tieto: 234 days and counting

Monday, January 27th, 2014

This text is a part of Worklife -blogseries, where AYY’ corporate partners tell about their industries, organizations and career possibilities.

I was still struggling with my thesis in a poorly ventilated classroom in the middle of May, when a job opportunity came up. I had stumbled upon a marketing intern job posted by Tieto, which offered the possibility to work in two cities, Helsinki and Stockholm. Having lived in both cities for many years, this was an opportunity to work in both cities I consider home. While I originally hadn’t planned to start working until after my graduation, I knew that this was an opportunity too good to pass up.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I was now working as a marketeer (intern) for Tieto’s Financial Services industry group. Right from the start another intern and I were assigned responsibility for managing the content of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – related project. While the project was challenging, it felt really rewarding to make a valuable contribution to our team.  During this fall, I have even had the opportunity to conduct market research that has supported top management in their decision making.

While my learning curve has certainly been steep, my colleagues have always been there to support me with any questions I might have. The people at Tieto have also been very keen upon hearing how we, the interns, would approach different challenges.

With 15,000 employees, Tieto offers an opportunity to build an invaluable professional network. For us recent graduates we have Tieto Young Professionals (TYP) that encourages us to make valuable connections and build a stronger team spirit. With TYP I have been able to join several events with other young professionals alike from different companies. But it is not only TYP that offers activities outside of work hours; I will for example also join in a course in HTML5-coding during this week. The course is held by employees that are keen on sharing their knowledge and passion for coding, and I am looking forward to learning from the best.

Having worked at Tieto for almost eight months now, I still feel the same enthusiasm towards my work; this is partly due to my challenging and versatile responsibilities, but mostly I have my colleagues who are located all over Europe to thank for that. At Tieto I have learned that by being self-driven and ambitious, I am able to acquire tasks that are challenging and fun to work with.

My six month intern period ended in the beginning of December and now it looks like I will be able to continue as a fulltime employee at Tieto. Whereas the reason for applying was the possibility to work in a large Nordic company – the reason I choose to stay here is because of the people that make me grow as young professional.



If you would like to know more about working at Tieto or if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact me at

Can AYY board member’s duties be regarded as work?

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

When I first started in the position of AYY board member in the spring, I was advised to review my time use for a period of one month. After having done so, I was inspired to keep track of my time use throughout the year. Now that my career in the board begins to turn towards the end and new enthusiastic people appear with their questions, it is good that I can present data on the subject.

I have divided the working time into seven sectors at my own discretion. Discussions, gatherings and meetings are perhaps the most difficult to distinguish. Discussions are single meetings with less than 5 people, while gatherings can occur weekly and include several people. Meetings are official gatherings, where minutes are recorded and decisions are made. Under representation, I have also included event organising, planning and the work after events. In addition, I have daily written down the main topics of the day, on which I have mainly spent my working hours. My weekly working hours vary between 38–49. In addition to the common issues of the entire board, this year I have spent my time on regulation reforms, tenant democracy and zoning. Here is a pie chart on the division of working hours into different sectors.

It is not my intention to scare you with large amount of work. On the contrary, I can now say that when looking back, time has flied by, because the work has been varying, diverse, challenging and great fun.

Kind regards,

Jani Laamanen,
AYY Board Member in charge of housing affairs
