Vaisala Giant Leap: Fresh Ideas and Impressive Results

10.1.2017, siiriliitia

TÀmÀ teksti on osa TyöelÀmÀblogi -sarjaa, jossa AYY:n yhteistyöyritykset kertovat toimialoistaan, toiminnastaan ja työllistymismahdollisuuksistaan.

The application period is now on for Vaisala’s summer internship program – Vaisala Giant Leap. We wanted to give you some insights about how those working closest with the Giant Leapers – their supervisors – feel about Giant Leap. We interviewed Vaisala’s Chief Strategy Officer Hannu Talvitie and Research & Development Manager Riku Hakala to share their Giant Leap memories.

The Giant Leapers’ supervisors Riku Hakala (on the left) and Hannu Talvitie.

How many projects have you managed in Giant Leap and what were they about?

“I have had two Giant Leap projects”, Hannu says. “One was about digitalization as a megatrend. In this project the focus was on understanding what digitalization really means, and what our status as a company is regarding it. The other one was about mapping the market and growth potential for weather-impact information services.”

“I have also guided two Giant Leap projects so far”, Riku continues. “Both were more or less related to software. The first one was about studying new communication protocols that we were not familiar with, and the second one was system testing development for our Controlled Environment products.”

How would you describe the real-life business and research importance of the Giant Leap projects?

“In our case, the Giant Leap projects have given strong directions for our future development plans. They have also helped us to see what kind of competencies we need in the future. In addition, both of my Giant Leapers stayed on to work at Vaisala after they finished their Giant Leap projects, so we also benefit from getting qualified people to join our team”, Riku explains.

“The projects we choose for the Giant Leap Programme are really in the core of Vaisala’s strategy and development focus”, Hannu says. “The Giant Leapers bring in fresh viewpoints with high level of energy and talent.”

What is your favorite Giant Leap memory?

“There are so many that it’s really hard to pick just one!” Riku says. “I guess it could be related to the final presentation events, where all Giant Leapers get to present their work to the management and everyone else interested in the topic. They summarize all the hard work done during the summer in a nice way.”

“One of the best memories for me as well has been to hear the whole group of Giant Leapers present their project outcomes. The presentations are full of new ideas and passion”, Hannu adds.

What have you learned through Giant Leap?

“I have learned that today’s students are really well educated, talented young people who are ready for any demanding project that is well enough specified”, Hannu says.

“I have learned that impressive results can be achieved in a short time when there is a clear task, enthusiasm and special talent involved!” Riku concludes.

Interested in becoming a Giant Leaper for summer ’17? Read more and apply here before February 5th!

Vaisala has been predicting the unpredictable for over 80 years. We are a global leader in weather and industrial measurements, and our technologies can be found in demanding environments from hospitals, national parks and data centers to airports and wind farms all over the world– and beyond! Even the Mars Rover Curiosity is equipped with our sensors. We offer you a career with a clear purpose and a chance to create observations for a better world. Innovation is at the heart of our company and we believe in developing cutting-edge technology. With our 1,600 professionals worldwide we intend to stay on top of our game and this is where you come in. At Vaisala you’ll find plenty of opportunities to pique your interest and create your own path throughout our business. 


How to internationalize universities – hottest trends from around Europe


I had the pleasure of attending two interesting international conferences this autumn – the huge annual conference of European Association for International Education (EAIE) in Liverpool in September and a more specialized “Internationalisation of the Curriculum” conference at the University of Göttingen in Germany.  My focus in both of the conferences was internationalization at home. Too often internationalization is thought of as the external networks of the university or the percentages of the foreign student population at campus. I like a more holistic view on internationalization as something happening inside the university, in its internal practices, in learning methods and in internationalized learning outcomes. Next I will present the top picks and most interesting stories from the conferences, enjoy!

How to bring international perspectives to all students? Many German universities have started impressive processes to internationalize curricula, because international mindsets and intercultural communication skills are deemed essential for all graduates. Internationalizing the curriculum does not mean switching the language of the program to English, it means systematically integrating international and intercultural perspectives and global questions into the contents of the curricula, in the learning methods and outcomes. There is no one-size-fits-all model of an internationalized curricula but the process of internationalizing requires a lot of reflection and involvement of faculty and students. Where business students need to get an understanding of global markets and intercultural negotiations, engineering students benefit from an understanding of cultural and societal surroundings of their future engineering projects. The Vice-President of University of Göttingen said it well: “the bridges fall down the same around the world, but what happens next is culture specific”. All keynote lectures from Göttingen can be found here.

Göttingen is a small university town 200km from Berlin with 120 000 inhabitants and the 5th most international university in Germany!

Why is internationalization important? Today’s work life requires graduates to be fluent in foreign languages, to function in a multicultural workplace and remotely with customers and colleagues around the world. In EAIE a panel of top recruiters from big multinational companies got together to discuss the level of preparedness of graduates for the requirements of working life. I was surprised to learn that the recruiters unanimously put more emphasis on the soft skills than the hard, academic skills when making their recruiting decisions. Soft skills, also known as interpersonal or transferable skills mean skills like communication, teamwork, networking and intercultural communication skills. According to a study presented at EAIE almost half of university students feel ill-equipped for the labor market and 87% of them would like to get more career advice from the universities. The aforementioned soft skills may be trained during the studies but they should also be systematically communicated to students. For example, instead of making students do a group work without further explanation, the teacher could mix the students into multicultural and multidisciplinary groups and explain why practicing teamwork and intercultural communication is important for their future work life and also to discuss with the students the potential challenges they encounter. Intercultural communication and understanding and being able to relate to different perspectives and circumstances were key skills in employers’ opinion. If you’re interested in reading more about the employers’ views, check out this blog.

How can students communicate their intercultural competence? How to make soft skills visible and the student acknowledge what she has learnt? How can a student prove the job market she has acquired relevant international skills as part of the degree? In a session in EAIE 3 German universities (Hamburg, MĂŒnchen and Göttingen) presented their certificates for intercultural competence. All the certificates consist of a theoretical component of intercultural communication and selective elements ranging from mobility periods to language and culture courses and to getting active in the international student community in associations or as tutors. Intercultural competence means behaving and communicating effectively across cultures, understanding different value-sets and ideals and being flexible and able to adapt to new situations. Intercultural competence can be learned from books only to some extent, as going outside of the safety of your own cultural bubble and reflecting on the new, sometimes uneasy sensations when you don’t know what is expected of you and you cannot understand why your counterpart is behaving in a certain way, are often the most valuable lessons of intercultural competence. In all of the 3 presented models students had to reflect on their intercultural encounters to gain the certificate. Students had started to think critically of the hidden assumptions and behavioral models their own culture gives them and felt the most important aspect of intercultural competence was to be curious to new viewpoints and not to be a prisoner of stereotyping. What I liked the most was that all the 3 certificates put a great emphasis on learning intercultural competence at the home campus, by getting to know the international students. If you’d like to hear international students’ perspectives on studying in Aalto, check out AYY’s project Aalto is Multicultural.

The best of Liverpool: Fab Four (The Beatles), the well functioning city bike system and the sunny waterfront boulevard.

What can digitalization bring to internationalization? Digitalization opens up a whole new world to higher education as new perspectives and encounters are no longer limited to physical settings. Digitalization plays a key role in internationalization strategies of the universities, as it enables the involvement of intercultural and international learning also in courses that do not benefit from a multicultural student body. In Göttingen digitalization was one of the key themes of the conference with many good examples of practicing intercultural communication via online platforms. One interesting example was a course on built environment which was done by a German university with its Mexican partner university. The students made local projects on sustainability issues of their respective urban environments, but presented and discussed their findings in multicultural groups in an online platform. The students also had to analyze their experience in virtual intercultural teamwork, but the main focus of the course was on learning about sustainability in built environments. Digitalization is a great chance to bring the wide international networks of Aalto into use in learning. One interesting course is coming up next spring, where students get to practice cooperation in virtual teams in different continents. The course is open for all master students, I bet it’s useful!

How to make incentives for internationalization of curricula? Money might be the best incentive for universities to bring about a change. In Ghent in the Netherlands the university has made an ambitious Key Performance Indicator (KPI, with which universities measure their key objectives) target: intercultural competence should be embedded to every degree by 2020! In Ghent the university has made a conscious and determined decision in its strategy to encourage internationalization and with KPIs it’s making sure internationalization will not be a mere word in the strategy but actually part of every student’s degree. In Aalto University’s strategy for 2016-2020 internationalization is not mentioned because it’s seen as a cross-cutting value of the university. But in order to make it visible and real for every student in Aalto, clear incentives and instructions would be needed.

What can students do for internationalization? In 2016 AYY has been active in creating an action plan for the university to better take into account internationalization in degrees, teaching, digitalization and all university practices. The action plan will be ready soon and the work will continue next year to raise awareness of the objectives together with the university. AYY international sector has also made an ABC guide for internationalization for student associations. This booklet with useful hints will be online soon! What could every student do for internationalization? You can decide to benefit in full extent of the wonderfully diverse Aalto community! Maybe make a new year’s resolution and get to know 5 new people from different cultures next year?



Milla Ovaska

works at AYY as a Specialist in International Affairs and plans to read a lot, eat chocolate and visit Hamburg during the Christmas holidays.

TET AYY:lla, tai viikkoni viestinnÀn kopissa ja sen ulkopuolella.


1.PÄIVÄ. 12.12.2016

Ennen TET-harjoittelun alkua olin saanut suurinpiirteisen listauksen, mitĂ€ pÀÀsen tĂ€mĂ€n viikon aikana tekemÀÀn. Luettelo oli monipuolinen, ja olinkin innostunut ja vĂ€hĂ€n kĂ€rsimĂ€tön, kun bussini 550 oli jopa viisi minuuttia myöhĂ€ssĂ€. PÀÀstyĂ€ni sisÀÀn AYY:n toimistoon nĂ€in Hennan ja Sebastianin(uusi sivari), ja tutustuminen viikkoni ”työpaikkaan” alkoi. Toimisto vaikuttaa melko rennolta, ja olen kiinnostunut ja motivoitunut oppimaan uutta tĂ€llĂ€ viikolla.

Jouluun on jÀljellÀ enÀÀ kymmenen pÀivÀÀ (henkilökohtaisesti en ole valmis, koska lahjat  ei todellakaan ole hankittu ja paniikki iskee viimeistÀÀn nyt), mikÀ nÀkyy tietysti myös AYY:n toiminnassa kaikenlaisten pikkujoulujen ja hallitusten vaihtumisien muodossa. Viikosta on nÀhtÀvÀsti tulossa kiireinen ja hauska.

AlkupÀivÀllÀ julkaisin viikkotiedotteen AYY:n nettisivuille, ja se oli elÀmÀni ensimmÀinen nettisivupostaus. Lounastauon jÀlkeen tein tiedonhankintahommia yhdistyksistÀ ja sain tunnukset AYY:n instagram-tilille, jotta voisin laittaa viikon aikana kuulumisia instagram storyyn.

PĂ€ivĂ€n pÀÀtteeksi tein omaksi ja koko asuntotoimiston iloksi mapitushommia, mikĂ€ oli aika kivaa ja nĂ€in englannittain ”satisfying”. LĂ€hdin kotiin ilomielin ja ihaillen kaunista pinkki-sini-liila-harmaata taivasta.


2.PÄIVÄ. 13.12.2016

Aamukoulun jÀlkeen jatkoin hetken hommia asuntotoimistolla ja tulin takaisin viestinnÀn koppiin, jossa laitoin uudet tarrat vuokratilojen avaimiin. Sen jÀleen muokkasin kirjaston listaa.VM5 lounaan jÀlkeen tein loppupÀivÀn asuntotoimiston mapitushommia, ja osallistuin brÀndityöryhmÀn koordinaattorin rekrytoinnin suunnitteluun, mikÀ oli aika mielenkiintoista


3. PÄIVÄ. 14.12.2016

Kaunis keskiviikkopĂ€ivĂ€ alkoi leipomisella pikkujouluja varten. Teimme erimuotoisia joulutorttuja, muun muuassa kukkia, kampoja ja ruusuja. Pikkujouluista oli jo silloin tulossa trendikkÀÀt, kun joulutortutkin olivat tehty viimeisen huudon mukaan.  JĂ€rjestelimme myös koko kertakĂ€yttöastia- systeemin uusiki. PĂ€ivĂ€n slogan: ÄLÄ OSTA KERTAKÄYTTÖASTIOITA! Tosiaan, niitĂ€ tuntui olevan joka paikassa.

TÀffÀn legendaarisen keskivikkospagettilounaan jÀlkeen siirryimme AYY:n vaikuttamsitapojen workshoppiin ja sain kuunnella ja esittÀÀ kysymyksiÀ liittyen aiheeseen. IltapÀivÀllÀ aloitin AYY:n viestinnÀn tavoiteet ja periatteet- julisteen ideoinnin ja lopuksi kÀvimme Hennan ja Niinan  kanssa hakemassa jouluruokia ollan pikkujouluja varten. Ruokien joukossa oli myös tÀmÀn joulun vegaanihitti- porkkala, joka maistuu aivan kylmÀsavulohelle, vaikka onkin kÀytÀnnössÀ vain porkkanaa.


4.PÄIVÄ. 12.2016

Koko minun torstai- pÀivÀ oli suurimmaksi osaksi julisteen tekoa. Oli kiinnostava kokemus keskittyÀ yhteen asiaan ja saada parissa tunnissa valmiiksi oma työ. Ensi viikon tiedotetta tuli myös tehtyÀ.


5.PÄIVÄ. 12.2016

Tulin toimistoon jo kello kahdehdaksi, toisiaan vasta puoli yhdeksÀn, sillÀ erilaiset matkakortiseikkailut  veivÀt paljon aikaa. At last, pÀÀsin toimistoon ja kirjoitin vÀhÀn blogitekstiÀ sekÀ viikkotiedotteiden kokoamista arkistointia.  JÀlkeenpÀin lÀhtimme Nooran ja Annan kanssa arkistoimaan tÀmÀn vuoden Tempaukseen liittyviÀ juttuja, mikÀ oli ÀÀrimmÀisen kiinnostavaa, sillÀ arkistossa sÀilytetÀÀn esineitÀ jopa 1890- luvulta lÀhtien. Samalla kÀvimme Otaniemen rannalla ihastelemassa kaunista sÀÀtÀ ja ottamassa pari kuvaa.

Viimeiseksi menimme syömÀÀn taas VM5:seen ja palasimme toimistolle, jossa minÀ lopettelin juttuja ja moikkasin viimeisen kerran toimistoporukkaa.


Viikko oli kokonaisuudessaan todella kiva ja kiireinen, ja olen todella tyytyvÀinen ja kiitollinen, ettÀ sain kokea tÀllÀistÀ. Kiitos kaikille, joiden kanssa olen ollut tekemisessÀ ja erityisesti Hennalle, Nooralle, Ahtolle,  Joannalle ja koko asuntotoimistolle. Oli ihanaa ja opin paljon. JÀisin mielummin toiseksikin TET-viikolle tÀnne.

Viikon avainsanat ovat ”JEEJEE HUIPPUHAUSKAA!”


Anna Presnukhina, TET-harjoittelija.

Opiskelijoiden siirto yleiseen asumistukeen on menetyksistÀ huolimatta voitto


Opiskelijoiden siirtÀminen yleiseen asumistukeen oli ylioppilaskuntien tavoite, ja se toteutui. Opiskelijat siirtyvÀt yleisen asumistuen piiriin 1.8.2017. YleisessÀ asumistuessa tuki kohdistuu sitÀ eniten tarvitseville. Nykyinen opintotuen asumislisÀ on monelle opiskelijalle etenkin pÀÀkaupunkiseudulla tÀysin riittÀmÀtön. Lukuvuonna 2014-2015 Uudellamaalla opintotuen asumislisÀ kattoi keskimÀÀrin vain 48 % vuokrasta. LisÀksi opintuki, jonka osa opintuen asumislisÀ on, on ollut jatkuvien heikennysten kohteena, joten jÀrjestelmÀÀ ei ole voinut pitÀÀ mitenkÀÀn vakaana. 1.8.2017 alkaen opintoraha on vain 250 euroa kuukaudessa kaikilla opiskelijoilla.

Siirto ei kuitenkaan ole ongelmaton. Arvion mukaan 120 000 opiskelijan asumisen tuki kasvaa tai pysyy samana (tuen keskimÀÀrĂ€inen nousu 59 €/kk), 54 000 tuki pienenee vĂ€hintÀÀn 25 euroa kuukaudessa ja 42 000 menettÀÀ asumisen tukensa kokonaan.  Arvio sisĂ€ltÀÀ sekĂ€ toisen ettĂ€ korkea-asteen opiskelijat. Kokonaisuudessaan yleinen asumistuki on kuitenkin toivottu muutos, koska se kohdentuu paremmin eniten tukea tarvitseville. Opiskelijoille maksettavan asumisen tuen arvioidaan kasvavan 60 miljoonalla eurolla, joten kokonaisuutena opiskelijat saavat enemmĂ€n.

Eniten siirrosta hyötyvÀt yksin asuvat henkilöt, joilla on vain vÀhÀn tuloja ja korkea vuokra. Karkeasti sanoen hyötyjiÀ tÀssÀ suhteessa ovat etenkin yksinasuvat korkeampaa vuokraa maksavat henkilöt. PÀÀkaupunkiseudulla vuokrataso on muuta maata korkeampi, joten tÀssÀ suhteessa hyötyjiÀ löytyy tÀÀltÀ erityisesti. HÀviÀjiÀ ovat ruokakunnat, esimerkiksi puolison kanssa asuvat, joista toisella on enemmÀn tuloja eli esimerkiksi pariskunnat joista toinen on opiskelija ja toinen on työssÀkÀyvÀ. NÀmÀ opiskelijat saattavat menettÀÀ asumisen tukensa kokonaan. TÀmÀ siitÀ syystÀ, ettÀ asumistuki on ruokakuntakohtainen, joten myös esimerkiksi puolison tulot huomioidaan.

Perheelliset opiskelijat ovat tÀhÀnkin asti olleet yleisen asumistuen piirissÀ. Heille muidenkin opiskelijoiden siirtyminen jÀrjestelmÀÀn tulee olemaan heikennys, kun opintotuki luetaan tuloksi asumistukea myönnettÀessÀ.

Asumistuki on opintotuen asumislisÀÀn verrattuna monimutkainen jÀrjestelmÀ, joka riippuu asuinpaikasta, asumismuodosta, ruokakunnan koosta ja muodosta (aikuiset ja lapset) ja asumiskustannuksista. SiinÀ missÀ opintotuen asumislisÀ on kÀytÀnnössÀ ollut kaikille sama matalan tasonsa ja yksilökohtaisuuden vuoksi, on yleinen asumistuki tasoltaan eri henkilöille erilainen.

Asumistuki on ympÀrivuotinen eikÀ se oli sidottu opinnoissa etenemiseen. Yleinen asumistuki suhtautuu joustavammin tuloihin kuin opintotuen asumislisÀ. Tulojen noustessa asumistuki pienenee ja tietyn pisteen jÀlkeen lakkaa. Opintotuen asumislisÀssÀ ei ole tÀllaista joustoa, joko asumislisÀÀ saa tai sitÀ ei saa ollenkaan, kun tuloraja ylittyy.

Ruokakuntakohtaisuus on yleisen asumistuen selkein heikennys. 42 000 opiskelijaa menettÀÀ asumisen tukensa. Osa opiskelijoista saa vÀhemmÀn asumisen tukea tai tulee menettÀmÀÀn asumisen tukensa kokonaan tÀstÀ syystÀ.

Asumistuki huomioi paremmin korkeat asumiskustannukset. Asumistukea on ylipÀÀtÀÀn mahdollista saada enemmÀn. HelsingissÀ yksin asuvan enimmÀismÀÀrÀ on 406,40 ja Espoossa 393,30 euroa. TÀmÀ on selkeÀsti enemmÀn kuin opintotuen asumislisÀ, jota voi saada enintÀÀn 201,60 euroa kuukaudessa, ja jonka kaikki siihen oikeutetut kÀytÀnnössÀ saavat. Asumistuessa huomioidaan paikkakuntakohtaiset erot kuntaryhmittÀin hyvÀksyttyinÀ enimmÀisasumismenoina.

Elli-Noora Kaurila, edunvalvonta-asiantuntija

Finlands Independence Day is coming


This year it has been 99 years since the Finnish parliament adopted the declaration of independence on the 6 of December 1917. A nice thing about the Finnish Independence day is that it is always at the end of the year. This is a good time to look back at the year that has been and think about what has happened in society, in Finland and in the world. At the same time it is also possible to start looking forward and ponder about what the next year might bring.


Happy Independence Day!

Even though the wold is constantly developing and becoming a better place, this year has unfortunately been a turbulent year. Thousands of people are fleeing war, but the welcome in Europe is cold. Hate speech is increasing in our everyday life, while flags of far right movements can be seen for example outside the railway station. Young people with a risk of falling out of society is increasing. The economic situation is still very severe. In the United States a racist and sexist populist has been elected President, and furthermore he is also a climate-skeptic. In Turkey the local government is doing very undemocratic decisions, that has had an impact specifically on free press on the academic society.

But there has also happened good stuff in the world, at least here in Finland. The plans for the DARE-learning event has started to come around. The goal of the event is to bring learning in as a center piece in all of society, and make Finland a global center for learning. AYY and other student unions and youth organisations is supporting the campaign “Huominen ilman pelkoa”, and we wish to make organised racism a crime by law. Among the technology students there has been a lot of talk about the use of the n-word in the classical teekkarihymni-song, and now also AYY’s representative council has taken a stand in the issue. Tempaus2016 sent 1400 students to 15000 different schools to spread the joy of learning and education around Finland. Slush was again a success which attracted 17000 visitors and brought together investors, startups and people who has a will to make the world a better place. In addition SYL and other youth organisations have taken generational politics as a main project, which among other things mean that we stand against the populist forces in retirement policies and also we encourage decision makers to always take into consideration a sustainable society when making decisions that has long term effects in the future.

Did you notice that all these things are more or less driven by students? That’s right, students seems to be the ones pushing both the world and Finland forward. This has been seen earlier in Finland’s history too: without activeness from the students, Finland probably wouldn’t be independent right now. Our national anthem, the Great Petition, the JĂ€ger movement are just a few historical examples where the student movement has played a significant role.

The celebration of the Independence Day has always been an important event for the student movement. The students of the capitol region has always on the Independence Day since the year 1951 arranged a torchlight procession from the Hietaniemi cemeteries to the Senate square, following the reversed path of Baron C. G. E. Mannerheim’s funeral procession. Unfortunately the far right movement and the neo-nazis are also organizing their own torchlight procession on the Independence Day. It’s very sad that organisations that has no respect for human rights, equal value of human life and Finnish democracy and values are trying to steal what has always been the students’ event.

This polarization of society is very alarming, but where does it come from? We sometimes say that we live in the times of post-truth politics, where facts, science and truth means less than repeated rhetoric that appeals to feelings. I truly hope that this is just a temporary trend and that society will start to go in a better direction. However, that requires measures from all of us: critical thinking from the citizens, truthfulness from politicians, objectivity from the media and overall an honest integrity from all parts of society. We could all learn from President Paasikivi, who stated: “The beginning of all wisdom is acknowledging the facts”.

As students we need to be the ones who look to the future, who dare to be visionairies and who dare to find new solutions. We don’t fear the challenges and problems in society, but confront them together. Don’t let hate and fear take any more space in society. Don’t let talk, that isn’t based on facts and truth, take space in decision making. And don’t ever stop being critical and active citizens. Isn’t that exactly the role of Universities and Student Unions?

HYY, AYY and SHS have decided that the theme of our torchlight procession this year is a global and equal Finland. Even though some organisations want to spread hate and violence, it’s even more important to keep true to our principles and human values. I hope that a lot of you join us in the torchlight procession!

This year has been a turbulent year. However, next year Finland will turn 100. Let’s together make sure that Finland’s 100 year’s anniversary will be even better than this year, that we will respect one another even more, that we will help each other when it is needed, and that we will show, that in the end love always prevails.

This year has given me a lot. I am truly happy that have gotten this chance to work for the good of the Aalto students and I must say that I have learned a lot. In the board of the Student Union I have had the possibility to make both our Aalto-spirit and our society as whole a better place. Next year I get to face new challenges in the board of the National Union of University Students in Finland. It’s a great honor to get to represent students on the national level the same year that Finland turns 100 years old. We’ll continue to work for a global and equal Finland and show that students have an important role in building both Finland’s history and it’s future!

I want to end this text with citing our national anthem’s second to last verse, which is usually left out when singing it, but can be read on Runeberg’s statue on the Esplanade in Helsinki:

Oh land, the thousand lakes’ own land,
Of faith, and lay, and glee,
Where life’s main sea gave us a strand,
Our fore-time’s land, our future’s land,
Shy of thy poorness, never be,
Be calm, be glad, be free!

J..L. Runebergs minnesmÀrke

J..L. Runeberg’s statue in Helsinki with the text of the national anthem (in Swedish)

I wish you a Great Independence Day, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂

Jimmy Nylund,
Member of the board at Aalto-university Student Union

Elinan kokemuksia vapaaehtoisuudesta


MitÀ teet ensi vuonna?elkku1
TĂ€mĂ€ kysymys on pulpahdellut vastaan viime aikoina kaikkialla – kiltahuoneilla, ruokaloissa, AYY:n toimiston kĂ€ytĂ€villĂ€, vuosijuhlien silliksillĂ€, vuoden viimeisissĂ€ kehityskeskusteluissa
 NĂ€in joulukuussa, kun viimeisimmistĂ€kin tapahtumista alkaa olla aikaa ja pahimmankin gonahduksen pikkuhiljaa korvaa nostalgia, on helppoa unohtaa kuluneen vuoden epĂ€toivon ja vĂ€symyksen hetket ja alkaa innostua taas jostain ihan uudesta. Itse olen koko vuoden harjoitellut ponnekkaasti omaa vastaustani tĂ€hĂ€n kuuluisaan kysymykseen: “En mitÀÀn. Aion valmistua.” Toki olen harjoittanut tĂ€tĂ€ vastausta jo kaksi edellistĂ€kin syksyĂ€ kohtuullisen huonolla menestyksellĂ€, mutta ei puhuta nyt siitĂ€. LĂ€hes kuuden vuoden opiskelun ja aktiivisen vapaaehtoisnakkeilun jĂ€lkeen on hyvĂ€ hetki pohtia, minkĂ€ ihmeen takia sitĂ€ oikeastaan on kerta toisensa jĂ€lkeen pÀÀtynyt kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn vĂ€lillĂ€ huomattaviakin mÀÀriĂ€ vapaa-aikaansa työhön, josta ei saa palkaksi kuin kiitosta (toisinaan) ja hyvĂ€n mielen (ainakin kun tapahtuma on turvallisesti takanapĂ€in). Loppujen lopuksi vastaus on hyvin yksinkertainen:

VapaaehtoistyössÀ pÀÀsee ylittÀmÀÀn itsensÀ perusteellisemmin kuin missÀÀn muualla

Kuutisen vuotta sitten kirkassilmÀisenÀ mursuna pÀÀtin, ettÀ johonkin on lÀhdettÀvÀ mukaan, jos ei muuten niin siksi, ettÀ sillÀ tavalla tulisin puolivahingossa pakottaneeni itseni lÀhtemÀÀn myös mukavuusalueeni ulkopuolelle. Jos olisin mursuna aavistanut, miten pitkÀlle silloiselta mukavuusalueelta tulisin erinÀköisten nakkieni myötÀ vaeltaneeksi ja miten paljon lisÀÀ rohkeutta ja itsevarmuutta erinÀköisissÀ tehtÀvissÀ onnistumisista (ja epÀonnistumisista) saisin, olisin luultavasti tehnyt saman pÀÀtöksen vielÀ vÀhÀn ponnekkaammin.

Ironista kyllÀ, omalla kohdallani suurimmat onnistumisen kokemukset olen löytÀnyt nakeista, joihin en koskaan olisi uskonut pÀÀtyvÀni. Ennen kaikkea nÀmÀ ovat kaksi vuottani yhteisöjaosto Aavassa. SyksyllÀ 2014, viiden eri vapaaehtoistoimen jÀlkeen, pÀÀtin vakaasti, ettÀ nyt riitti, ei enÀÀ. Vaadittiin silloin AYY:n hallituksessa istuneen ystÀvÀni kaikki suostuttelutaidot ennen kuin taivuin lÀhettÀmÀÀn elÀmÀni surkeimmin kirjoitetun hakemuksen, ja vielÀ haastattelussa yritin kaikin tavoin tuhota mahdollisuuteni pÀÀstÀ mukaan. Jostain kÀsittÀmÀttömÀstÀ syystÀ puheenjohtajamme kuitenkin nÀki niskoitteluni lÀvitse, ja otti minut mukaan porukkaan ja vuoteen, josta tuli ylivoimaisesti siihenastisen vapaaehtoisurani huikein kokemus (tÀstÀ suuri kiitos sekÀ minut hakemaan painostaneelle ettÀ minut valinneelle, tiedÀtte keitÀ olette <3).

Se mÀÀrĂ€ vuonna 2015 tapahtuneita asioita, joita en olisi ikinĂ€ uskonut tapahtuvaksi. Kun pÀÀtimme kymmenen ihmisen voimin jĂ€rjestÀÀ ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa ihkaoman wapunaloitusfestarin koko Aallolle, ja siivosimme saman kymmenen ihmisen voimin sitĂ€ aamukolmeen. Kun keksimme tĂ€ysin randomisti, ettĂ€ ennen lakitusta Mantan lakki voisi kierrellĂ€ opiskeljatapahtumia ja kĂ€ydĂ€ tapaamassa tĂ€rkeitĂ€ ihmisiĂ€, ja tĂ€stĂ€ kampajasta paisui valtamedioissa asti huomioitu #matkallamantalle. Kun tĂ€stĂ€ palkinnoksi pÀÀsimme wappunaattona pesemÀÀn Mantan. Kun lĂ€hdin puolivillaisesti mukaan tekemÀÀn KY:n Otaniemeen saapumisshow’ta KY-EntryĂ€ ja huomasin olevani jĂ€rjestĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ tapahtumaa, joka sisĂ€lsi kuorma-autokulkueen, laivan, kĂ€velykulkueen, helikopterin ja aivan huikean lavashown ja bileet. Kun olin ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa yksin vastuussa tapahtumasta, jonka idean olin vielĂ€ itse keksinyt, ja se onnistui yli kaikkien odotusten.

Kun pÀÀtin, ettÀ minusta voisi ehkÀ sittenkin joskus tulla jonkin vapaaehtoisporukan puheenjohtaja

Siihen asti olin aina ajatellut, ettĂ€ en minĂ€, ei minusta ole siihen, parempi jĂ€ttÀÀ johtaminen niille, jotka sen oikeasti osaavat. AlkusyksystĂ€ 2015 sain pÀÀhĂ€ni, ettĂ€ ehkĂ€pĂ€ minĂ€ sittenkin, jollain tavalla, ihan vĂ€hĂ€sen, pystyisin puheenjohtamaan seuraavaa Aavaa – ja tĂ€stĂ€ ajatuksesta en enÀÀ pÀÀssyt irti, vaikka ponnekkaasti yritin. Lopulta, viimeisenĂ€ hakuiltana, löysin itseni samasta tilanteesta kuin vuotta aikaisemmin, lĂ€hettĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ sekavaa ja huonosti kirjoitettua hakemusta virkaan, josta en ollut ihan varma, halusinko sitĂ€. Haastattelun jĂ€lkeen luulin olevani selvillĂ€ vesillĂ€ –  ei kukaan tĂ€ysjĂ€rkinen meikĂ€lĂ€istĂ€ tuon jĂ€lkeen valitse –  mutta toisena syksynĂ€ perĂ€kkĂ€in sain yllĂ€ttyĂ€. Ensireaktioni, kun hallituksen kulttuurivastaava soitti ja kertoi valinnastaan, oli muistaakseni erinĂ€köisillĂ€ luovilla kirosanoilla maustettu versio lauseesta “et voi olla tosissasi”(joka sivumennen sanoen kirvoitti puhelimen toisesta pÀÀstĂ€ hilpeÀÀ naurua). Ei varmaan tarvitse sanoa, ettĂ€ toista kertaa perĂ€kkĂ€in puolivillaisesti viime tipassa tehty pÀÀtös osoittautui yhdeksi elĂ€mĂ€ni parhaimmista.elkku2

Looking back, tuntuu hassulta ettĂ€ aika tarkalleen vuosi sitten tĂ€hĂ€n aikaan olin aivan paniikissa. Ei minusta ole tĂ€hĂ€n, ei minulla ole aikaa tĂ€hĂ€n, mistĂ€ ihmeestĂ€ saan kerĂ€ttyĂ€ Aavaani yhdeksĂ€n pĂ€tevÀÀ tyyppiĂ€, pystynkö muka luomaan porukkaan minkÀÀnnĂ€köistĂ€ yhteishenkeĂ€, tĂ€stĂ€ tulee aivan totaalisen hirveÀÀ, voinko vielĂ€ perua pÀÀtökseni ovat vain muutamia pÀÀssĂ€ni silloin jatkuvasti pyörineistĂ€ ajatuksistani. Useampi kuin yksi kaverini rohkaisi minua silloin sanomalla, ettĂ€ muutaman viikon pÀÀstĂ€, kun olisin saanut porukan kasaan ja hommat pyörimÀÀn, en edes muistaisi nĂ€itĂ€ ajatuksia – ja oikeassahan he olivat. Heti ensimmĂ€isestĂ€ Aavan vuosimallia 2016 hengauksesta alkaen tiesin, ettĂ€ tĂ€stĂ€ vuodesta tulisi nĂ€iden tyyppien kanssa vielĂ€kin huikeampaa kuin viime vuodesta, enkĂ€ ole tĂ€hĂ€n mennessĂ€ joutunut tĂ€tĂ€ ajatusta uudelleenarvioimaan.

Ei sillĂ€, etteikö tĂ€mĂ€ vuosi olisi monella tapaa ollut suurin ja henkisesti vaativin omalta mukavuusalueelta ulos sukeltaminen, jonka olen opiskeluaikoinani toteuttanut. Olen oppinut luovimaan vastakkaisten mielipiteiden suosta kompromissiratkaisuun astumatta kenenkÀÀn varpaille. Olen oppinut korottamaan ÀÀntĂ€ni ja vaatimaan huomiota sanottavalleni vaikka kesken lennokkaan lĂ€pĂ€nheiton (sekĂ€ kiipeĂ€mÀÀn tuolille ja nakittamaan kovempiÀÀnisiĂ€ ihmisiĂ€ ÀÀnitorvikseni, kun jotain pitÀÀ ihan oikeasti saada sanottua). Olen oppinut, ettĂ€ joskus puheenjohtajankin kannattaa vain sanoa mielipiteensĂ€ suoraan, vaikka se ei miellyttĂ€vÀÀ kuultavaa olisikaan. Olen oppinut, ettĂ€ muiden tukeminen onnistumisessa voi olla vielĂ€ palkitsevampaa kuin onnistuminen itse. Ennen kaikkea olen oppinut sen, ettĂ€ epĂ€luuloistani huolimatta myös minusta on johtamaan ihmisiĂ€ – omalla tyylillĂ€ni toki, mutta loppujen lopuksi johtamistyylejĂ€ on yhtĂ€ monta kuin ihmisiĂ€. On ollut hetkiĂ€, jolloin mieli on tehnyt nostaa kĂ€det pystyyn ja sanoa “fuck dis, I quit”. Ja sitten on ollut paljon, paljon enemmĂ€n hetkiĂ€, jolloin olen ollut aivan valtavan iloinen, ettĂ€ juuri minĂ€ saan puheenjohtajaa juuri tĂ€tĂ€ porukkaa ja luotsata meitĂ€ yhdessĂ€ tekemÀÀn koko ylioppilaskunnasta kaikille vĂ€hĂ€n hauskempaa paikkaa.

Parhaan ystĂ€vĂ€ni sanoin: harvemmin sitĂ€ katuu niitĂ€ asioita, jotka teki, kuin niitĂ€, jotka jĂ€tti tekemĂ€ttĂ€. Jos siis tuntuu siltĂ€, ettĂ€ mukavuusalue alkaa olla liian mukava paikka, ettĂ€ olisi aika laajentaa reviiriĂ€, ettĂ€ jotain uutta olisi kiva kokeilla, vaikka et ole ihan varma, pystytkö siihen – kokeile. Se voi olla tĂ€hĂ€nastisen elĂ€mĂ€si paras pÀÀtös, ja vaikka ei olisikaan, opit varmasti jotain, mikĂ€ olisi muuten jÀÀnyt oppimatta.

Pian valmistuvan vapaaehtoiskonkaritÀdin terkuin,

Ps. Asiaan mitenkÀÀn liittymĂ€ttĂ€, AYY:n vapaaehtoishaut ovat auki vielĂ€ muutaman pĂ€ivĂ€n osoitteessa 😉

AUS föreslÄr Jimmy Nylund för FSF:s styrelse 2017

18.11.2016, siiriliitia

tarinakuvaJag minns fortfarande hur jag skickade in min ansökan till Aalto-universitetet. Den viktigaste orsaken till att jag sökte just till Aalto var att jag brinner för att förbÀttra vÄr vÀrld. PÄ ett eller annat sÀtt, med hjÀlp av teknik eller med andra medel, ville jag göra just det.

Samma kÀnsla har vuxit i mig under hela studietiden. Den fick mig att bli aktiv i studentpolitiken. Jag har bland annat varit med och drivit en studentrestaurang, byggt studentbostÀder och publicerat en studenttidning pÄ riksnivÄ. Min största passion har ÀndÄ varit studenternas intressebevakning och samhÀllelig pÄverkan.

Varför vÀlja just mig till FSF:s styrelse? Jag har intresset, erfarenheten och viljan att utföra intressebevakningsarbete i FSF:s styrelse nÀsta Är. FSF behöver en mÀnniska med sakkunskap och ett lösningsorienterat sÀtt att tÀnka, samarbetsförmÄga och en genuin passion för att vara med och utveckla vÄr gemensamma studentrörelse. Genom FSF:s styrelse vill jag tjÀna alla studenter med mitt kunnande. -Jimmy

sitaattikuvaSagt om Jimmy

Jimmy Ă€r en person som sĂ€tter sig in i Ă€renden noggrant och grundligt. Han har en hög integritet och ett öppet, Ă€rligt sĂ€tt att arbeta. Jimmy Ă€r en man som alltid hĂ„ller sina löften. Han för frimodigt fram sina egna synpunkter och försvarar dem analytiskt, Ă€ven synpunkter som avviker frĂ„n till exempel mina egna. Det Ă€r lĂ€tt och okomplicerat att arbeta med Jimmy. Det Ă€r Ă„tminstone delvis hans förtjĂ€nst att studentkĂ„rens och universitetets gemensamma verksamhet avancerat sĂ„ vĂ€l under det hĂ€r Ă„ret. Tillsammans har vi hittat lösningar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ krĂ„ngliga problem“. Eero Eloranta, Aalto-universitetets vice rektor

Jimmy Àr kunnig, liberal och har ett starkt intresse för samhÀllsfrÄgor. Jag rekommenderar honom varmt till styrelsen för Finlands StudentkÄrers Förbund!Anna-Maja Henriksson, SFP:s ordförande och riksdagsledamot

Intressebevakningssektorn har gjort stora framsteg medan Jimmy suttit i studentkÄrens styrelse. Jimmy har starka kontakter till samhÀllspÄverkare och hans heltÀckande kunnande i samhÀllsfrÄgor har definitivt varit till nytta för vÄr studentkÄr. Han har skött sina förtroendeuppdrag utomordentligt vÀl och jag Àr sÀker pÄ att han kommer att fortsÀtta pÄ samma sÀtt med intressebevakningen i Finlands StudentkÄrers Förbund.Pietu Roisko, AUS delegationsordförande

FSF som en aktiv del av samhÀllet

FSF ska vara en pÄlitlig partner som intressentgrupperna vill samarbeta med och be om Äsikter. Hela studentrörelsen har en viktig roll i samhÀllet och vi sysslar inte bara med intressepolitik. NÀr andra koncentrerar sig pÄ problemen ska FSF hitta lösningar och se möjligheter. Studenterna Àr viktiga samhÀllspÄverkare och tillsammans bygger vi upp framtiden.

Grunden för det arbetet Àr att allt fler studerande intresserar sig ocksÄ för pÄverkansarbetet pÄ riksnivÄ.

FSF:s intressebevakning ska vara lÄngsiktig, lösningsorienterad och inriktad pÄ framtiden. NÀr flera samhÀlleliga debatter och reformer pÄgÄr som pÄverkar studenternas liv ska FSF vara studenternas röst vid alla möjliga bord. Till exempel i social- och hÀlsovÄrdsreformen behövs aktivt pÄverkansarbete för en fungerande studenthÀlsovÄrd. Att bevara och utvidga SHVS Àr vÄrt viktigaste mÄl i reformen. Andra betydande teman jag satt mig in i Àr överföringen av studenterna till det allmÀnna bostadsbidraget, regeringens försök med basinkomst, integreringen av internationella studerande i det finlÀndska samhÀllet, generationspolitiken och den strukturella utvecklingen av högskolorna, för att nÀmna nÄgra.

Med hjÀlp av min omfattande pÄverkans- och intressebevakningserfarenhet vill jag vara med och försÀkra att FSF fortsÀtter och förbÀttrar sitt aktiva pÄverkansarbete Àven nÀsta Är.

Bildningens grundvalluentosalikuva

NedskÀrningarna i utbildningen har redan nu orsakat problem för universiteten och studenterna. SamhÀllseffekter sÄsom en sjunkande kunskapsnivÄ och bildning vÀntar runt hörnet. Vi som studentrörelse mÄste framhÄlla utbildningens betydelse i debatten och se till att effekterna av nedskÀrningarna förblir sÄ lindriga som möjligt. Alla ska Àven i fortsÀttningen ha jÀmlika chanser att studera och fÄ en för individen kostnadsfri, högklassig utbildning som ger fÀrdigheter att lösa framtidens utmaningar.

Även studentens utkomst ska vara tryggad och tillrĂ€cklig sĂ„ att studenten kan koncentrera sig pĂ„ heltidsstudier. Även om det inte i sig Ă€r nĂ„got negativt att ta lĂ„n Ă€r förskjutningen av tyngdpunkten i studiestödet mot lĂ„n en oroande utveckling.

SamhÀllets satsning pÄ utbildning pÄ alla nivÄer sÀkerstÀller att vi har en fungerande demokratisk vÀlfÀrdsstat, ett innovativt och konkurrenskraftigt nÀringsliv och en bildad befolkning. I FSF:s styrelse vill jag sÀkerstÀlla att samhÀllet vÀrdesÀtter bildning högt Àven i fortsÀttningen.

CV –Jimmy Nylund jimmy-nylund

Födelsetid: 14.1.1990


Aalto-universitetets högskola för ingenjörsvetenskaper

  • 2010-, utbildningsprogrammet för maskinteknik

Pedersöre gymnasium

  • 2009, Student


Aalto-universitetets studentkÄr

  • 2016, Styrelsemedlem (intressebevakning)
  • 2015, Medlem i studierĂ„det
  • 2012 – 2013, Delegationen, ersĂ€ttare i gruppen Polytekarna

Teknikens akademikerförbund (TEK)

  • 2016, ErsĂ€ttare i fullmĂ€ktige


  • 2015, Styrelsemedlem (studieansvarig/intressebevakning)

Liberala studerande LSK

  • 2015, styrelsemedlem i LSK:s Helsingforsavdelning
  • 2015, medlem i LSK:s strategiarbetsgrupp

Svenska Studerandes Intresseförening

  • 2015–2016, Styrelsemedlem

Teknologorkestern Humpsvakar

  • 2014, Styrelsemedlem (produktionsledare)


KWH Mirka, Jeppo

  • 06-08/2015, Mekaniskt underhĂ„ll, planering av maskindelar och projektarbete
  • 05-08/2014, Mekaniskt underhĂ„ll, planering av maskindelar
  • 05-08/2013, Mekaniskt underhĂ„ll, utveckling av produktionsmaskiner


Nylands Brigad

  • 07/2009 – 01/2010, Granatkastarkompaniet, Korpral


  • Svenska: ModersmĂ„l
  • Finska: God
  • Engelska: UtmĂ€rkt
  • Tyska: Grunderna


Niko Ferm,, 050 520 9415
Jimmy Nylund,, 050 520 9427

#StudentsofFinland: Collaboration, community spirit and it’s-up-to-us attitude can spark buzz in an unobvious sector of Finnish economy.

18.10.2016, ottobergius

Finland constantly secures itself a top place on the lists of best places to do business. However, this doesn’t seem to translate into growth as our national economy figures have been dismal for years and no change can be seen in the near future. We are Erika & Lauri, two Aalto students currently doing our small bit, as we joined last year a new community of people who believe changing this is in our hands. After having previous experience from e.g. student association roles, management consulting, startup buzz (“PÖHINÄ”) and think-tanks, this community was a natural continuation and an interesting mix of the different worlds.

We work currently at KasvuryhmĂ€, or ‘Growth Collective Finland’ — a community of 190 Finnish CEOs, chairmen and entrepreneurs of “not-so-small-anymore” companies with revenue between 10-1000 mEUR looking to turn their companies into growth gear. Our young non-profit venture was established 2 years ago, when 30 Finnish entrepreneurs and business leaders decided it was time to unlock the potential within the unobvious backbone of the Finnish economy, the midsized companies.

We know what you’re thinking — this sounds like your run-of-the-mill networking club or society for business leaders to sit and drink coffee together behind closed doors. While most of what we do is only amongst our members, we are by no means a club. Rather — a movement. Our members believe it’s up to them make growth happen. This means no more incremental efficiency improvements or repeating old recipes, but rather brave new business from fresh ideas and the global markets.

We call our members the hidden champions of our economy — and to be honest, we didn’t know much about them before we started working with them. However, they are a very valuable part of our economy: they make up the vast majority of our resources, patents, jobs and capital. Not much is spoken of them, but we think everyone should be aware of them. Not only because these everyday businesses, ranging from manufacturers of industrial products to IT and surprisingly familiar consumer brands, will eventually do the heavy lifting in revitalizing our economy. But also because of the power and excitement that is brewing amongst them – and we are personally amazed by the potential present in the community!


Our members have all pledged to double their revenues in the next 5 years. This may not sound like much, but for companies with turnovers between 10-1000 MEUR, this is huge. More interestingly actually, the excitement that you hear when talking to our members is even better. KasvuryhmÀ members exhibit a very un-Finnish, tangible thrill to start changing the way they do business. In a corporate culture where failure is often scary and questioning the status quo is ill-advised, these companies are redefining and crystallizing their purposes, taking brave leaps into new technology and thinking about how to become the best in the world at what they do.

Needless to say, we recommend our peer students at Aalto and all #StudentsofFinland to have a look at mid-sized growth companies as job opportunities. Even if you have heard of these companies before, they may not be on top of your mind when thinking about potential future employers. There are two reasons. First, it is reality that many “hidden champions” of Finland are not that good at promoting themselves (how typical Finnish, right?). In addition, they simply don’t have similar resources and employer branding clout as large-cap corporations and global professional services companies – many of which are present on campus almost daily.

But we aim at changing that, because in few places do the best parts of the entrepreneurial startup culture combine with the ample resources of established bigger players. Getting on board their growth journeys will guarantee responsibility from early on and a chance to test your wings in an environment where everyday decisions have actual scale!

Erika Noponen, 4th year economics major

Lauri Mikkola, “Soon-to-graduate” industrial engineering and management major


Want a chance to meet these growth-hungry CEOs and entrepreneurs and see what you could do on their teams? Join us at KASKI 16 to hear more about “not-so-small-anymore” growth companies and apply for our exclusive recruiting event at Application deadline is on Thursday, October 20th – only two days to apply anymore!

#StudentsOfFinlad: On taking detours and finding opportunities to learn


Hi #StudentsofFinland!


Henna is a Master’s student at Aalto BIZ majoring in Corporate Communication

I’m Henna, a Master’s student at Aalto BIZ majoring in Corporate Communication. This is my first year at Aalto, and I’d like to share the story of how I ended up here (hint: it took a while).

I originally started my Bachelor’s studies in 2009 in Turku, and before that I spent six months at a University of Applied Sciences in Lahti. My Bachelor’s degree major was International Business. However, I found myself drifting between different kinds of subjects: sustainability, information systems science, management and organization, even some English translation studies.

With only vague ideas about what I wanted to do when I graduated, I found myself postponing decisions. I spent a couple of years focusing mostly on working part-time and trying to figure out what really motivates me. I knew my major at the moment wasn’t quite doing it for me but I was afraid to change it because I had already spent so many years working on it (on and off, but working nonetheless).

Graduating from a new Master’s program would take another two or three years. Many well-meaning people advised me to just get a degree and then figure out the rest as I go. But I don’t think it really works like that anymore.

In the end, it took me until Autumn 2015 to muster up the courage to admit that I really wasn’t happy with what I was doing.  It was because the realization hit me: three years would pass anyway. In the grand scheme of things, that isn’t very long at all. While I might regret not graduating earlier, I knew I’d regret graduating with a degree I hated even more.

So I dropped out of our thesis group, finished up my Bachelor’s studies, applied to Aalto, and got in. I’ll be honest, it was difficult to watch my friends graduate and find stable jobs while I knew I’d be studying for another two or three years. But right now I’m glad I didn’t rush.

Even before the semester began, I was looking for interesting projects to join. I ended up joining the AYY development cooperation week team, which has been a lot of fun. For me, one of the best parts of studying has always been multidisciplinary studies and meeting people from completely different fields than my own.  Sure, networking and meeting new people is important and fun in and of itself, but there’s an even better reason: learning.

Like Bill Nye famously said, ”Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” Classrooms and courses aren’t the only way to learn at the university, and professors and lecturers aren’t the only people who teach you. And learning doesn’t stop when you graduate.

To all #StudentsofFinland and everyone reading this, I challenge you to find opportunities to learn outside of the classroom. Step out of that comfort zone you’re absolutely sick of hearing about. Challenge yourself to find ways to give back to the community. Consider volunteering your time to a cause that’s important to you.

And while you will learn exiting things, remember that not every realization is life changing. Who knows, maybe the next time someone bumps you on the bus just teaches you that manners are important. Still, maybe you’ll learn something about yourself and your values.

The next time you meet someone, think about what you can learn from them.

So while you go about your life, keep your earns open, listen with an open mind, and most of all, stay humble.

A journey begins – life as a Tieto trainee

12.10.2016, essipuustinen

I have just started my journey as a GenT trainee at Tieto together with 25 GenT colleagues from Finland and Sweden.

Our journey got an action-packed start as, after just two days in the office. we left for the GenT kick-off in Helsinki. On arrival we met up with all the other trainees at a cool restaurant, Pjazza, where we got the chance to get to know each other better.

Then the three day trip got fully started with our participation in the Tieto Take-Off days; we were joined by almost 80 other new Tieto employees, and we had an incredibly inspiring and informative time in Helsinki.

Companies often tell students how much they prioritize and value new employees. The Take-Off days showed us that this is definitely the case with Tieto, as top management figures took the time to give presentations. As a fresh graduate I found this kind of holistic introduction to a global business like Tieto invaluable in getting a true idea of the bigger picture. It really helped me to understand the key areas within the company.

In the evening we were shown around an old prison called Katajanokka where we took part in a prison quiz directed by a very strict prison guard. This was followed up by a lovely three-course meal and some great conversation with the other new employees.

Walking back from the dinner we passed a large white cathedral where we had a lot of fun trying to form Tieto’s name using our bodies.


After the Take-Off day the trainees were called to a somewhat unusual meeting room – one of the saunas at the office! We were met with delicious food and during the night four Finnish guys and one Norwegian even took up the challenge of trying out the sauna. The rest of us had an awesome time bonding in the late summer sun on the terrace.

For the third and final day in Helsinki all the GenT trainees gathered to really kick-off this trainee experience. We were introduced to the layout of the program as well as being met by a former trainee who shared some valuable tips to prepare us for our time as Tieto trainees.

It’s great to be part of such a varied team. There’s so much to learn from each other, and I’m looking forward to sharing our experiences of different countries, cultures, and trainee roles. We’re a group of welcoming, inquisitive, and ambitious young professionals, eager to start super exciting careers within IT. I’m so glad that I’ve embarked upon this new journey.


Benedicte Aas Glad
Business Analyst, Tieto

Text was originally published on September 23rd, 2016 byt Tieto:—life-as-a-tieto-trainee/

Read more about the Generation-T trainee program.