Posts Tagged ‘Jätkäsaari’

A piece of news from the representative council

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

Now that it is the annual ball week, it is a good time to revise what Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is about. AYY is a student organization for 15000 students that provides advocacy for its members and both organizes itself and enables affiliate associations to organize various events for all students at Aalto University.

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan kuntanauha.

AYY is run by a multitude of volunteers, various experts and customer service persons, and the Board with ten persons. The high power of decision is with the Representative Council. The council consists of 45 elected members with a biennial term and has typically around ten meetings per year. The next council meeting is tomorrow, on Thursday 12 May at 17.15.

Earlier this year, the council has, for example, decided on constructing 122 new student apartments in Atlantinkatu in Jätkäsaari—now, there is already pile driving going on there and the apartments should be ready in the fall 2017. The meeting tomorrow does not have anything quite as large as that, however, we do, for example:

Possibly decide on taking out a mortgage as a security for the loan for Atlantinkatu, decide on the Direction of the Student Union for 2017–8 and the objectives of AYY for the 2017 municipal elections, discuss updating the property strategy of AYY, and—a highlight—possibly grant special status to Aalto Marketing Society!

You can follow the meeting of tomorrow, where we will amongst other things likely authorize the Financial Director of AYY to apply for slightly over million euros worth of mortgages for Jämeräntaival 6 as security for one of the two loans for Atlantinkatu, live at  tomorrow at 17.15. There is a simultaneous translation to English, available in the bottom of the broadcast. The meeting will last probably around three hours, so, you can join the following even slightly later than at five.

Posting my first real blog post, and the first one in the AYY blog after the First of May,
Lari Koponen
1st Vice Chair of the Representative Council

PS. All material for the meeting is available at AYY’s own inside portal, which I consider less unusable than the one by the University. And, reading does not require signing in: .