Sini’s Vaisala journey – From Giant Leap Intern to Cleanroom Team Leader

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Sini blogged about her experience working at Vaisala, the leading company for environmental and industrial measurements. She started as a Giant Leap intern in summer 2011 and is currently working as a team leader at Vaisala’s cleanroom.

Starting my Vaisala career as a Giant Leap Intern

“I graduated from Aalto School of Electrical Engineering in the spring of 2011. I was looking for work and had been in contact with Vaisala before when I was looking for summer jobs. I contacted Vaisala again and was suggested that I should apply to the Giant Leap intern program. I applied and got the job! My Giant Leap project focused on improving thin film adhesion in the sensor wafers in our cleanroom. This was a real production problem and made the project very interesting. Cleanroom processing was also exactly what I had been studying at Aalto, so the project was a perfect fit. One of the best parts of my Giant Leap internship was to get to know the other Giant Leapers. We still get together yearly with most of them to catch up. It was great to meet all these wonderful people from various backgrounds!”




Growing into Team Leader responsibilities

“I was already graduated from university when I started my summer internship. After Giant Leap I started working as a Process Engineer in the cleanroom. After a year I got more responsibilities; now I became the Team Leader for the cleanroom team.

Currently I am responsible for the cleanroom production. I am a part of a production support team helping the production in various needs. My responsibilities include for example monitoring sensor quality and making needed adjustments if there are any deviations. I plan and implement improvement steps for our sensor chips and manufacturing methods together with our R&D. I also participate in new product development and acquisition of new equipment for our cleanroom facilities. My days vary quite a lot; meetings about new products, production issues or improvement plans, daily production management and hands-on process development in the cleanroom.”




Putting studies into practice

“I studied at Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. I hold a master’s degree in Micro and Nanosciences with minors in Bionics. My studies have supported my work a great deal! Through my studies, I got the basic knowledge on micro sensors manufacturing, production processes and material science. This was a good starting point for becoming an expert of the cleanroom production.

I really enjoyed my studies and at Vaisala I am working exactly in the same field. At Vaisala I have the best team of people to work with. Vaisala has given me a great deal of responsibility which have kept and still keeps me motivated.”


Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurements. Our technologies provide information on weather and other environmental phenomena for the needs of meteorologists, road authorities, airport organizations, renewable energy markets, and various industrials environments, such as life science and power transmission. In the cleanroom we manufacture humidity, pressure, carbon dioxide and temperature sensors. Vaisala employs over 1,600 professionals in 15 countries, and serves customers in more than 150 countries annually.

Application period for Vaisala Giant Leap Internship Program is open until February 7. For more info and instructions on how to apply, visit

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