Political super year is ongoing – what should be discussed?

The ongoing year of 2019 could be described as a political super year. In April, there is a parliamentary election ahead, and straight afterwards in May, the European Parliament election takes place in all EU member states simultaneously. The latter half of the year might also see the first ever provincial election organised if the Finnish parliament approves the establishment of 18 new provinces related to the comprehensive health and social services reform.

The EU will be firmly at the core of societal discussion. This is guaranteed by the upcoming election discussions, the intense ongoing Brexit situation as well as Finland’s EU presidency period beginning in July. Finland will be steering the European Council representing the member states at a time when the new Commission’s composition and working programme are being formed.

The EU has great significance to Finns and the international companies operating here. A significant part of the legislation implemented in Finland has its origins in Brussels. EU-level regulation aims to create common rules and a common market throughout the Union as well as to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services and capital between member states. This way, e.g. the heavy permit and customs procedures can be avoided.

The international trade contracts, the regulations determining operations in the internal market and the measures to counteract climate change agreed upon by the EU can create a new market for others, but for some businesses, the new regulation can mean their traditional business models reaching the end of their life cycles. The recognition of political risk and influencing this has become a factor in the competitiveness of companies.

The influence of politics and regulation on the everyday of companies is on the increase. For this reason, also students of the economic field should pay attention to the regulation and political risk. Knowledge of the regulation will certainly be beneficial in future work duties as well. A good example of this is Aalto University Student Union, who got acquainted with lobbying in Brussels in the summer of 2018, for example, by visiting the international number-one office of influencing and lobbying, FleishmanHillard. In Finland, the chain is represented by Eurofacts Oy.

Ahead of the elections is a great place for influencing. You should keep the topics you consider important on the table and influence the election discussions this way, whether you are a businessperson or a student. The people with a relevant message and justified arguments will certainly be heard!


Simo Hiilamo

Senior Consultant

Eurofacts Oy

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