Archive for the ‘Culture & Community’ Category

The Year of Art: KYN breathes, feels and dreams together

Monday, May 14th, 2018

During 2018 the Student Union is celebrating the Year of Art. To celebrate, we give voice to several creative individuals or groups acting in the Aalto community. During May, the women’s choir KYN has the floor.

Kuva: Maarit Kytöharju

KYN (abbreviated for Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Naislaulajat, the Business School Student Union women singers) is a world-class choir composed of women. Helsingin Sanomat has accoladed it as” one of the brightest stars in the sky that is the Finnish choir sky”, a” trailblazer of jazz music” and” the most surprising composition of the musical year”. For 2017, KYN has won both a Grand Prix victory and a special award for amazing stage performance in Berlin, ranking as 6th best women’s choir in the world, and being chosen as Choir of the Year.

KYN is ambitious and bold, breaking boundaries and constantly developing choir music. It has created a unique and distinctive program and a whole new genre of choir music; ethnic jazz. It combines traditional melodious themes and texts of Finland with jazz rhythm and harmony.

To its members, KYN is also a family.

In addition to AYY members, women of different ages and fields of expertise sing in KYN, brought together by their love for choir music.

When KYN was chosen Choir of the Year in 2017, the grounds for the choice stated that KYN was a group of singers devoted to female choir music. It is true! Choir is life for us. Us KYN women devote ourselves into the choir for a long time, take a professional, passionate outlook on our hobby and strive to develop as singers. And of course, we aim to develop the choir further. (If you feel the same way, you might be a future KYN woman in the making).

We create music because not doing it would be incomprehensible to us. Creating music in a choir is inspired by the fact that a choir is an instrument played by its leader, where every single singer is a key or a string of the instrument. As a vocalist in a choir you get to be a part in the machine, a piece of the instrument. The feeling created by 40 women breathing, feeling and dreaming together is hard to experience anywhere else.

Another inspiring touch is the connection the singers have with the audience. Each time we sing we wish to convey an amazing experience. We’ve noticed that it is possible to truly touch a person and tell a story through choir music, even across language barriers and cultural borders. When KYN sung in Finnish during the competition in Italy, the judges declared that” they understood nothing, but understood everything”.

There are several reasons why making music in KYN inspires. To me, one of them is creating it with some of the best musicians in Finland. During my own choir career, I’ve had the privilege of performing with such professionals as Soile Isokoski, Johanna Försti and Jukka Perko.

At its very best choir music can speak to its audience, touching and affecting in several ways, crossing both thought and sense. Through it you can experience, see and understand things with more depth and detail. Art can momentarily open your experiences and understanding of all that our human life entails, in all situations in everyday life.

” Choir music is an art form, given voice by many individuals. It is powerful, alive, developing and forever renewing itself; it does not stop. A piece is new every time it is performed”, our artistic leader Kaija Viitasalo says.

Check out the video below and come to KYN concerts to experience our art!

Susanna Kantelinen
KYN Producer

P.S. Upcoming concerts:

  • Sunday 3rd of June at 18:00, VocalEspoo festival opening concert, Espoo culture center, Tapiola hall
  • Wednesday 6th of June at 19:00, Juurilla – ” KYN & Juurakko”, Espoo culture center, Tapiola hall


A better campus, Lisbon style

Monday, April 30th, 2018

The Secretary General of the Student Union, Niko Ferm, visited Lisbon and was inspired by the local architecture. Could Otaniemi take pointers from Portuguese city design?

I’ve visited several campuses in the Nordics, elsewhere in Europe, China and America during the last few years. I can proudly state that the Otaniemi campus truly is world-class when it comes to real estate development and learning facilities.

Still, even when our campus is unique on the Finnish scale, it still feels that especially for a campus environment of architecture and art, the spaces around Otaniemi are somewhat hollow.

I’ve oft thought about the issue, for example during my trips to the Tsinghua and Tonji University campuses in China. Now I found myself musing on the same thing during my visit to beautiful Lisbon.

I think the development of the outdoor facilities and venues of our campus should focus on creativity, well-being and sustainability. I’ll share some of my thoughts on the ideas I came up with in Lisbon. The pictures mingled with the text are not meant to be copy-paste ideas on how to do things in Otaniemi, but rather depict what sparked the idea in the first place. The pictures are not from the campus areas.

Outdoor sport opportunities

Otaniemi has a good jogging path, though winter jogging is being hampered by a lack of proper lighting. Last year some outdoor training equipment poles were installed near Dipoli and the sports pitch. For a moment I felt I was satisfied with the situation.

In Lisbon, however, I noticed that each park had some sort of pole, training machine based on your own weight, or instruction board for other types of sports.

A training machine with its instructions

I also mused whether a climbing wall or a piece of art could be created on the campus. If we could have something like this installed, I believe it could be maintained by Oranki ry, operating in AYY’s sphere of influence.

Climbing meets art

Nature and pathways

There’s a lot of woods in Otaniemi, but the number of forest paths is still very small. The picture below is taken from a well-maintained garden, but something similar could easily be imagined in Otaniemi.

A path in forest

Otaniemi also lacks stairs, mostly due to the lack of steep inclines. There are places, however, where stairs could be built. I don’t know if I would plant trees on the stairs like in the picture, but I believe some stairs could spruce up the look of the campus and offer places to hang out from time to time. At the same time, we need to ensure that biking on campus continues to be easy.

A tree on stairs

Street art

Wall art, murals and art that is nicer than just spray-painted tags and squiggles; these are examples of art that we could use in Otaniemi to beautify the walls, trash cans, poles and so on.

Lisbon is filled to bursting with various kinds of paintings and graffiti. The piece in the picture below might be a bit on the crumbling side, but it tells an intensive story of the dreams and hopes of local citizens.

Street art

If you’re interested in fado, you can read more on it here.

The student union’s history as a comic

If the issue of painting the pathway tunnel next to TĂ€ffĂ€ would not cause so much controversy, I’d suggest that it be painted with a comic book style mural resembling the one in the picture below, depicting the Student Union’s history.

Thus, I propose we paint a mural like that on the wall on the side of the current AYY central office. The fact that the building was designed by Alvar Aalto might cause a few problems, though…

Street art in comic form

Pond and cafe

The Ossinlampi pond sees several swimmers each year. There is also a garden and a skate ramp with barbequing options. The plant life of the pond hardly beautifies the area, though.

The pond area has enormous potential. At the Tonji campus the students built a walking bridge across their pond as a school project, with a lounging area in the middle of the bridge.

A bridge over a pond


A staple of Lisbon are cobbled pathways formed from very small stones which form various kinds of patterns. The patterns all have a story of some sort. For example, the wave patterns of Rossio square serve as a reminder of the tsunami that came after the Lisbon earthquake of 1755.

The special things on the streets could be something else entirely, too. For example, in Lappeenranta the organizations in the local student union paint their logos on the asphalt each year.

Portuguese pavement or calçada portuguesa

Pavilion, summer platform

Otaniemi lacks a summer stage in for organizing concerts and events during the warm days of summer and spring. The amphitheater of the candidate center could offer opportunities for this, but to my knowledge it only acts as the stage for the handing out ceremony of the teekkari caps during wappu.

Meeting spots should be all around campus. The users for them will find them if they exist. A good example is the mini terrace in front of the AYY office, which fills up with users during sunny days.

A pavilion

Many people might have good and working ideas of campus development in addition to these expressed in this blog. The important thing is to find the means to develop the area. The AYY campus section does a lot of work to develop the campus area each year, but I think that we could do with more partners to join in on the work.

An interesting option is to look to the Tonji university for innovative ideas. They have a yearly course project on campus development, kind of like a PdP course on the campus.

A classical option would be to set up a campus development fund which would finance groups, associations or projects that would develop our campus. Projects such as the Ossinlampi garden and the skating ramp have been created like this. These projects have been supported by the TTE fund.

Niko Ferm
Secretary General, Aalto University Student Union

P.S. I totally forgot to talk about statues! I propose we erect small statues in the same manner as Wroclaw has its dwarfs. The following people would be excellent statue candidates: Ossi Törrönen (whose memoirs you can read here in Finnish), Lord Moyne (who stirred the pot in the 90’s with his Amer sales deals), Jari Jokinen (the first employee of the Aalto University), Tuula Teeri (the first rector of the Aalto University) and of course Alvar Aalto, whose spirit and impact can be felt in every stone of the University and around campus.

An open letter on equality

Friday, April 13th, 2018

Dear Aalto community,

an important topic arose into discussion during the” other emerging matters” item in the latest Aalto University Student Union meeting. The Council expressed concerns over whether or not the Aalto community is equal or not. After the Representative Council meeting, the issue was up for debate in the national media, when Helsingin Sanomat magazine wrote an article on the activities of the wappu magazine Julkku. (Read the Helsingin Sanomat articles in Finnish here and here).

The question of how the organizations in the Aalto University Student Union’s sphere of influence treat people of different genders deeply concerns the Aalto community and its values. The topic is extremely challenging and difficult, and the threshold to open one’s mouth about it is high.

We at the AYY central office have worked on the issue for several weeks, preparing a preliminary discussion for the upcoming Representative Council meeting. We’ve also discussed the topic with associations that gender their activities. The material for the preliminary discussion has been sent to each and every Representative Council group, which ensures that the next meeting, held on the 19th of April, should give us a clear direction which to follow to solve the issue.

This is a very heated topic. The best possible solution will be found through open and constructive discussion, where each of us has a voice and a chance to have it heard. Due to the importance of the topic, it is extremely crucial to undertake the discussion in the highest decision-making organ of AYY. At the Council, we should be able to find the best, sustainable solution for our community and upcoming Aalto generations.

The Council groups have received questions on how and when, in their opinion, should AYY act in the issue of associations that deal with applicants based on gender and on whether or not AYY should redefine its policies regarding equal activities in its association regulation.

The discussion on equality has been ongoing in the Aalto community for a long time. The topic has been on the agenda again and again during the new millennium. The latest large discussion took place in 2015 and resulted in a survey of equality in the AYY association sphere (you can download the survey, in Finnish and in PDF, from this link). The survey was completed at the end of 2016 and it showed the expressed wish that the Student Union should act to promote equality.

Nowadays, the gender of a person should not have any relevance to which community they can belong to. So, the time has come to discuss the issue. A solution will be found, rest assured, and the first step towards it is the Representative Council meeting held on Thursday, April 19th.

Everyone wishes for a safer and better community for all of us, so let us undertake this discussion fairly and with respect to one another. I trust us all being capable of that.

Noora VĂ€nttinen
Chair of the Board, Aalto University Student Union

The Year of Art: Enthusiasm, Rapture and Teekkarispeksi

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018

The Student Union is celebrating the Year of Art in 2018. To celebrate, we will shine light on creative individuals and groups working in our community. First in line to give insight to their activities and art is the Teekkarispeksi.

Photo: Atte Makkonen

The Speksi is a musical made by students. It’s not your run of the mill theater, but rather separated from it through improv.

When the audience yells ”omstart”, the actors improvise the scene again, inventing some new elements to it. The dancers, orchestra and technical staff also take part in the improv. Entire extravagant songs might be born before the eyes of the audience, and no two shows are alike. The audience can affect the ebbs and flows of the performance.

The Teekkarispeksi is made by the Otaniemi student community, but it also includes many students from outside the technical fields of study. This spring the unveiled speksi, the 29th of its kind, is called Hurma (Rapture). This year’s speksi is indeed rapturous.

Hurma is set in 1914 France, in the Belfort school, where Anna and her classmates are getting ready for the graduation ball. Love happens, twisting and tangling things, and the night does not go as planned. Who ends up with who, and what will happen at the ball? Find out by coming to the Teekkarispeksi at the Aleksanteri theater. The viewings will continue until the 23rd of April.

In the Speksi the actors, dancers, orchestra, technical staff, props, make-up, dress and other staff work intensely together. The speksi is a piece that requires a lot of work, and the staff truly makes the effort. In the fall the script writer starts with the story, and after the turn of the year the other groups can really dig into the work.

It’s awesome to see how the work of each production member starts to show and how the speksi comes together. When everyone works together, the product really shines.

Each production member has joined the speksi due to their own enthusiasm, and each wishes to use their time to make a great production. The members attend school and work in addition to participating, so the evenings are taken over by training the speksi and working on your own turf.

It is amazing how devoted all production members are to the speksi and work so much to make it happen. We make the speksi because it gives us all a chance to show our own unique skills and learn many new things. Many have started their dancing or acting careers from the Teekkarispeksi.

We think that the best part about the production is how every member is encouraged to be a personal individual, and everyone is welcome to the community. One of the main rules of improv theater is that” a blunder is a gift”. By utilizing this philosophy, we dare to create art.

Teekkarispeksi is art in various ways. The different sectors use their own creativity for us to create a unified, impressive and a very visual piece.

The aim of the speksi is to inspire ideas and to challenge the viewer to participate in its creation. Art is not art without its audience. Through the interaction of the audience, the speksi truly sparks to life.

Us speksi people do the work we do not for profit, but rather to show the audience how enthusiastic we are about it. That, in short, is the rapture of the speksi.

Atte Makkonen
Teekkarispeksi social media correspondent
Hurma dancer

Tsinghua university student union sightseeing in Helsinki and academic dinner party with Aalto-Tsinghua startup bridge

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Saturday with our guests started with introducing the wonders of our public transport system by taking the bus 102T. The view of coastal Espoo got compliments from the Tsinghua students and we discussed the history of Helsinki and the differences between Helsinki and Beijin on our way to Kamppi.

For our sightseeing tour we chose to walk from Kamppi to Stockmann and from there to the Senate Square, talking about the architecture and different landmark buildings like the modern arts museum on the way as well as pointing out the main spots for shopping. It seems like everything in Finland is currently being renovated but this did not seem to bother our guests much, likely because construction sites are such a common sight in China.

We left our guests off at the Market Square to have a free reign on how to spend the afternoon in Helsinki and went off to prepare for the main event of the day which was an introduction to the academic sitsi party culture! The dinner party was at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi and attending were our guests, the Aalto-Tsinghua startup bridge group and a number of former AYY board members. The sitsi party was a great success, with brilliant musical performances by some of the guests, remembering past visits between Aalto and Tsinghua and an all-vegan menu featuring the Finnish innovation pulled oats.


View from the sitsi party on saturday.

The second day in our schedule was on the more relaxed side in anticipation for the upcoming week full of formal visits from the morning until late in the day.

A piece of news from the representative council

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

Now that it is the annual ball week, it is a good time to revise what Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is about. AYY is a student organization for 15000 students that provides advocacy for its members and both organizes itself and enables affiliate associations to organize various events for all students at Aalto University.

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan kuntanauha.

AYY is run by a multitude of volunteers, various experts and customer service persons, and the Board with ten persons. The high power of decision is with the Representative Council. The council consists of 45 elected members with a biennial term and has typically around ten meetings per year. The next council meeting is tomorrow, on Thursday 12 May at 17.15.

Earlier this year, the council has, for example, decided on constructing 122 new student apartments in Atlantinkatu in JĂ€tkĂ€saari—now, there is already pile driving going on there and the apartments should be ready in the fall 2017. The meeting tomorrow does not have anything quite as large as that, however, we do, for example:

Possibly decide on taking out a mortgage as a security for the loan for Atlantinkatu, decide on the Direction of the Student Union for 2017–8 and the objectives of AYY for the 2017 municipal elections, discuss updating the property strategy of AYY, and—a highlight—possibly grant special status to Aalto Marketing Society!

You can follow the meeting of tomorrow, where we will amongst other things likely authorize the Financial Director of AYY to apply for slightly over million euros worth of mortgages for JÀmerÀntaival 6 as security for one of the two loans for Atlantinkatu, live at  tomorrow at 17.15. There is a simultaneous translation to English, available in the bottom of the broadcast. The meeting will last probably around three hours, so, you can join the following even slightly later than at five.

Posting my first real blog post, and the first one in the AYY blog after the First of May,
Lari Koponen
1st Vice Chair of the Representative Council

PS. All material for the meeting is available at AYY’s own inside portal, which I consider less unusable than the one by the University. And, reading does not require signing in: .



Comment on the development areas of AYY

Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

The strategy period of the Student Union is ending. The current strategy has been found to be difficult to utilise in daily work. However, it would be beneficial to have direction that spans more than a year in operational planning, because with the current model the areas of focus are always developed all over again in the autumn.

To this end, a working group of Board and Representative Council members was set up, which is preparing the ‘Ylioppilaskunnan suunta’ (‘The Direction of the Student Union’) document. The aim is to define 2-5 strategic development objectives for the Student Union for 2017-2018.

An attempt has been made to keep the process light so that the processes can be decided on in the spring, and on the basis of these projects can be planned in the autumn before the beginning of the next term. At the same time, it is desired that the process is made repeatable.

The working group has prepared objectives by involving the Board, Representative Council, workers, volunteers and interest groups. Ideas were supplied in workshops and with a form, and by combining the ones which are felt to be the most important, the end result has been larger development objectives.

The preliminary discussion of the Representative Council on the subject can be seen on YouTube:

You can familiarise yourself with the background material at AYY Inside: (attachments 14a-14c)

The strategy is not being created just for the central office and the Representative Council, but rather its purpose is to serve the aspirations of the whole membership. For that reason, it’s extremely important that all the members of our Student Union have the opportunity to take part in the discussion. The time to have an influence is now!

In this blog text, we present two possible areas for development, which the Council, Board and working group have considered to be the most important ones for the next two years. We would like your comments via the adjoining form:

The working group will go through the comments and use them to produce the areas for development and the document itself. The document is intended to be approved at the next meeting of the Council on 12.5.

Development areas:

  1. AYY as a Builder of Aalto Identity

The goal is to reinforce the feeling of social cohesion that students have in the whole Aalto community. This can also be achieved with the aid of the associations that work in connection with AYY.

The aim is not to fade out existing identities and cultures but to find solutions with which all the members could feel that AYY is their own Student Union, in addition to their own closest identity.

The role of AYY is to act as an assembler that brings different kinds of organisations, students and their activities together. For example, the activities of the assembling bodies (incl. the Student Advocacy Management Group, the Study Committee and the Council) could be developed to serve all the members of the community.

Images of togetherness and of being an Aalto person are constructed largely through the brand. It’s important to create a brand that supports these goals. At the same time, the brand should be examined with regard to its different usage requirements in different situations.

  1. AYY as a Wielder of Influence in Society

It is important to develop the social influence of AYY in the future and it is built up from two goals.

The first goal is to strengthen the role of AYY as a nurturer; AYY should nurture students to become interested in social issues and give them the tools to be able to exercise influence in society. With the aid of students who are interested in society and having influence in society, AYY is more influential than before, both directly and indirectly .

The second goal is to improve the influence of AYY on those organisations and bodies that are essential from AYY’s point of view, but with whom relations could be better and more influential.

An example of a body like this is the alumni of Aalto University, who are in influential roles in business or politics, for example. With closer relations with alumni, the AYY can get vital contacts and information, and thus improve its own ability to exercise influence.

On the other hand, accommodation policy and having influence at a municipal level are fundamental in the coming years from the point of view of campus development. Good relations can also be used to have a significant influence on AKAVA, the labour market organisation for people with a higher level education, with regard to people who are graduating.

Mikko Latva-KÀyrÀ

The Year of Achievements 2016

Friday, October 30th, 2015

”What are you going to do next year?” I’m surely not the first one to be asking this. At fall time recruitments are in full swing , as clubs, subject associations, special status associations and even the student union are competing for volunteers. Last autumn, as an unforgettable yet demanding year as a chairperson was coming to an end, I stated loudly that the year to come would be ”the year 2015 of academic achievements”. One night I ran into the recently selected former of the board of AYY, who at KY’s open office (RIP <3) started challenging me to run for the board. What the heck is AYY? But, one thing led to another and now, about a year later, I’m sitting in 103T writing a blog, heart filled with love of AYY.

Even though I did my best to prepare myself for a year in our student union and its board by meeting people, listening to their experiences and wading through action reports, budgets, the representative’s council’s decisions and plans of action, I had no clue of all the things that 2015 would bring. Hundreds of new acquaintances, good friends, becoming familiar with important issues, crowning Manta (twice!), Sauli Niinistö, all-nighters, laughter – and of course also frustration. However, in the middle of this sentimental gust of nostalgia it’s good to remind oneself that there’s still eight weeks left before Christmas.


Another thing about AYY that I had heard of but had no way of truly understanding before my year here is the amount of volunteers working within AYY and especially the high level of enthusiasm, energy and good humor among them. This spirit of doing things combined with the large spectrum of volunteering possibilities has convinced me: even though next year will be the year of diligent studying, it’s more than possible for me to do things in our student union on the side.

One of the best things in AYY is the work environment, no doubt. Even though the colleagues are young and enthusiastic, there’s an incredible amount of know-how and experience to be found within both the volunteers and the employees. This is precisely why I find it difficult to come up with a voluntary job which would be impossible for anyone to manage – you learn by doing and at AYY you get to learn from the best. The huge expertise is luckily mixed with a decent dose of student spirit, so you don’t have to be worried about the atmosphere being too uptight.

Deadlines for applications are closing one by one, the application for HOAS organs being the first on 8th of November. Before you make your decision, you can get to know the opportunities to experience and grow AYY provides. You can do it by visiting or participating the Recruitment Night at Elisa Living room on 10th of November, where you get to hear the volunteers’ own experiences.

What are you going to do next year? Whatever you do, do it to the fullest. I know I will, as a volunteer at AYY.

– Rosa

Rosa Nylén

Manta sai lakkinsa – #Matkallamantalle

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

Manta Sai lakkinsa

Matkani on pÀÀttynyt! PÀÀsin juhlallisten menojen ja mahtavan meiningin saattelemana vihdoin Kauppatorille ja minut painettiin Havis Amandan Pronssikutrelle tuhansien ja taas tuhansien ihmisten lĂ€snĂ€ollessa. KIITOS kaikille! Ja HYVÄÄ WAPPUA!


Mantan Lakki

#Matkallamantalle – Lakin pĂ€ivĂ€kirja ti 28.4.

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

EnÀÀ kaksi pÀivÀÀ h-hetkeen!


Wappukulkueen lakanat valmistuivat minun tarkassa valvonnassa.

Nyt alkaa meikÀlakkia ihan tosissaan jo jÀnnittÀÀ! Kiertueeni on kuulemma herÀttÀnyt kiinnostusta ihan valtamediassa asti, ja vaikka olenkin aika tottunut kaikenlaiseen julkisuuteen, ihan tÀtÀ en sentÀÀn osannut

odottaa. Onneksi tÀnÀÀn oli aikataulussani taas vÀhÀn rauhallisempi ja epÀmuodollisempi pÀivÀ.

Aloitin aamuni valvomalla Wappukulkueen ja lakitusspektaakkelin valmistelua, ja pakko sanoa ettÀ aika huikea show on tulossa! Muistattehan kaikki tulla ihailemaan sitÀ ihan alusta alkaen osallistumalla Wappukulkueeseen! PÀÀsin itsekin spreijaamaan pari lakanaa, ja aika hienojahan niistÀ tuli, vaikka itse sanonkin (ja nyt Cocktailpongista hankittujen roiskeiden lisÀksi kaunista pintaani saattaa koristaa muutama AYY:n vÀrinen spraymaalitahra).


Sain kunnian tuomaroida keppihevospooloturnausta aurinkoisella Alvarin aukiolla.

PĂ€ivĂ€ni jatkui aurinkoisessa sÀÀssĂ€ Sikariporras- keppihevospooloturnauksessa yhtenĂ€ arvovaltaisista tuomareista. Oli hauska katsella opiskelijoiden ilakointia lĂ€mpimĂ€ssĂ€ kevĂ€tauringossa ja pÀÀstĂ€ taas poseeraamaan joukkueiden yhteiskuviin, hienoja kuvia tuli (myös siitĂ€ yhdestĂ€, jossa kanssani poseerannut nuorimies pÀÀtyi ottamaan haalarinsa pois – toivottavasti sitĂ€ ei kuitenkaan ihan jokaiseen someen jaettu 😉 ).

KÀvimme myös moikkaamassa NESU-KY:tÀ KYmppisuoran rastilla

KÀvimme moikkaamassa NESU-KY:tÀ KYmppisuoran rastilla

Iltani kruunasi vierailu KYmpin Kymppisuoralla, jossa pidin rastia ystÀvieni aavalaisten kanssa. Ilta-aurinko paistoi Töölönlahdelle ja Kymppisuoran kiertelijÀt olivat niin innostuneita ottamaan kanssani kuvia ettÀ suorastaan repivÀt minut edellisten ryhmien kÀsistÀ. Lopulta viilennyt ilta ajoi kiertelijÀt kohti aamuun asti jatkuvia jatkoja, ja minut turvallisesti kotimatkalle.

Huominen vielÀ, ja sitten lÀhtee! Nyt on syytÀ nukkua tÀmÀ yö kunnolla, sillÀ ensi yönÀ tÀmÀ lakki tuskin paljon silmiÀÀn ummistaa. Nukkukaa tekin!

Rakkain terveisin,