Archive for the ‘International Affairs’ Category

Tuition fees in Finland: My personal story

Thursday, November 29th, 2018

Author: Kamil Marwat, Master student at Aalto University

I finished my bachelor studies in 2016 and thus my hunt for master’s degree begun. After going through several programs and universities, the master’s program at Aalto University had caught my attention the most. Finland’s excellent education reputation, her much celebrated boom in IT field and the job opportunities, Aalto University ranking — it’s one way to know, when you know nothing about a university, were all the right indicators to persuade me to choose Finland as my destination for not only next two years, but a place I would be able to call home.

I did not allow the cold, the dark and the loneliness that Finland is otherwise known for come in my way. It was an exciting idea to go to a completely new place which offers one such complete new experience.

It was year 2017 —  the unlucky year when Finland had just introduced the fee for the first time for all non-EU international students, when I began my master’s studies. The concept of paying tuition fee was not new to me, even though it was a huge responsibility and a risk to be taken in the hope of better future and thus I assumed it to be a step in the right direction of my professional career development.

It is important to note that the developing countries have purchasing power of almost 3 ratio 1, meaning one can buy as a much as 3 times in my home country with the same currency in that of Finland. So despite all the enthusiasm, it was a huge amount of money that I needed to arrange. I did not only have to arrange the tuition fee, but the amount needed for my student visa approval for one year.

As I was a recipient of 50% fee waiver scholarship — scholarship? I often wonder! No fees are now called scholarships to make us feel better, but truth be told, it does not. It does not help when you know no one pays tuition fee other than you, even those who came to Finland for master studies just a year ago from the very same country. I feel like it’s just a tool to force me into completing master’s degree in 2 years and still be thankful. I had to arrange 14 220 euros for just one year, excluding the amount it takes to pay the embassy for visa processing, buying private health insurance and other costs incurred during this process.

I as a student, who just graduated with bachelor’s degree, only had my parents to look up to and my relatives to borrow loan from. Not everyone is rich enough to have this huge amount at their disposal. My parents worked their lifetime to build a house that we, me and my siblings, would eventually inherit. It was my only and last resource to pay for my tuition fee. Real estate property requires time to be sold, and I was running out of time, so for now I turned to relatives to borrow loan form with a promise to return this amount soon as our house is sold.

As I began my studies, and met more and more people, I realized how expensive it is for me to study in Finland. I did not have as much freedom to choose a course outside my study plan. Failure was not an option. I couldn’t afford taking ECTs less than 60 in the first year, less than 30 ECTs in a semester and less than 15 ECTs in one period. I had to do it at all cost, and so did I. And thus it happened at the cost of my social, mental and physical well-being. From being happy and excited, socializing and attending events during the orientation week, to restricting myself to lecture hall, the study hub and my room only. It all happened during a span of few weeks only. Having paid so much tuition fee, I felt like betraying my parents for not giving full time — all of my time, to my studies only. It was a huge responsibility. Did my friends feel as much pressure? I do not think so. With each passing month, the feeling of regret for putting so much at stake started to grow inside me.

Finland was always in the news for having an ideal education model, where students are not pressurized and yet still outperform others. It was a role model the world was to follow and learn from. Where competition was discouraged, and collaboration was encouraged. But sadly enough, my experience has been on the contrary. I was put in a tough competition against time for my money. Learning lost a meaning for me, it was all about numbers. I needed to get the right numbers on the right time in the right order.

Unsatisfied with myself, not able to find summer job, I had to fly back to my home country during my first year. It wasn’t a choice that I made happily, but forced into. Who wouldn’t want to gain experience and earn during summer, and that too in Finland? With much of what I experienced, I wasn’t sure whether it is even worth to continue my studies and pay the tuition fee for the next year.

Having set the deadline for us i.e. July 2019, I am not even sure whether I am even wanted in this country. How can I find time, as well as the motivation, to learn the Finnish language in such conditions, which in turn reduces my chances to integrate, when I will have to leave in case I don’t find a job before I graduate? And graduate I must by July 2019.

Finland does no longer seem to be a choice one could strongly enough recommend to prospective students from non-EU. But we must work together, and there is still time to change that.

Allt handlar om Europa

Monday, September 17th, 2018

Hur gÄr det för Europeiska unionen sÄ hÀr Ätta mÄnader före EU-valet? Det Àr över ett halvt Är kvar till vÀrldens största demokratihÀndelse, men det lönar sig att börjar prata om den redan nu, ocksÄ vid Aalto.

I somras besökte AUS styrelse Bryssel för att framföra hÀlsningar frÄn Aaltos studerande till EU:s beslutsfattare och för att diskutera EU-samarbetet och aktuella teman i unionen, sÄsom globalisering, cirkulÀr ekonomi och digitalisering. I vÄrt resesÀllskap ingick ocksÄ en delegation frÄn vÄr samarbetsstudentkÄr Tsinghua, och tillsammans trÀffade vi bland annat kommissionÀr Jyrki Katainen.

Mycket har hÀnt efter EU-parlamentsvalet 2014.

EU-omrÄdets ekonomi vÀxer igen, men bÄde flyktingkrisen och den aldrig tidigare upplevda uttrÀdesprocessen för en medlemsstat har satt unionens enighet pÄ prov. Trots spÀnningarna har Brexitförhandlingarna pÄmint euopéerna om hur mycket EU pÄverkar vÄrt dagliga liv.

Det Àr unikt att vi i EU kan se den fria rörligheten för mÀnniskor, tankar och saker som en sjÀlvklarhet. EU:s centrala vÀrden Àr en förutsÀttning för ett utbildnings- och forskningssamarbete i vÀrldsklass ocksÄ i den internationella Aaltogemenskapen.

Taloustutkimus gjorde nyligen en undersökning som visar att 89 procent av de finlÀndska unga identifierar sig som EU-medborgare och att 81 procent ser EU-medlemskapet som nÄgot positivt.

Av undersökningen framgÄr ocksÄ EU:s roll som global problemlösare. VÄra största samhÀlleliga utmaningar, sÄsom klimatförÀndringen och omvÀlvningen i arbetslivet, gÄr inte att lösa pÄ nationell nivÄ.

I det kommande EU-valet vÀljs ett nytt EU-parlament som stiftar EU:s lagar jÀmsides med ministerrÄdet som bestÄr av medlemslÀndernas regeringar. Finlands EU-linje bestÀms dÀrmed ocksÄ i riksdagsvalet som ordnas samma vÄr.

Det parti som vinner valet leder inte bara Finland utan ocksÄ Europa: de kommande ministrarna har ansvaret för att leda EU under Finlands ordförandeskap hösten 2019 och möjlighet att pÄverka EU:s riktning. OcksÄ Finlands framtida kommissionÀr torde bestÀmmas enligt resultatet i riksdagsvalet.

Det gĂ€ller alltsĂ„ att se hela valvĂ„ren som en helhet – vi utformar vĂ„r gemensamma framtid pĂ„ alla beslutsnivĂ„er.

Nu Àr det dags för studentgenerationen att sÀga vilken framtid vi vill ha.

Under hösten och början av Äret kommer AUS att med tanke pÄ valvÄren lyfta upp studenternas viktiga framtidsteman till diskussion. Hur vill du att Europa ska utvecklas? De beslut som fattas nu har störst inverkan pÄ just vÄra möjligheter.

Rosa VÀisÀnen
Intressebevakningssakkunnig (internationella Àrenden och nya studenter)

Welcome to Espoo – let’s develop the community together!

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

Why did you come to Finland?

I’ve heard that’s the question people with foreign background are most often asked here. I’m not going to ask that. Of course you came to Finland! It’s the happiest country in the world with top quality education and a super active student culture. We have fresh air, lush nature (and snow!), room to breathe and to develop yourself. Now it’s up to you to make the most of your journey in the land of Nokia, Rovio and Junction (all from Espoo, by the way)!

I’m especially happy you chose to study in Espoo! Espoo is the second largest city in Finland (with 279,044 inhabitans, to be precise) and you’re one of the about 18,500 students in town. Innovation is a word you cannot avoid when talking about Espoo – we’re home to the biggest innovation ecosystem in Northern Europe, Espoo Innovation Garden, and we were named the Most Intelligent Community in the World in 2018. Not bad, eh?

Maybe the best thing about the innovation ecosystem in Espoo is that it’s strongly based on the idea of cooperation, peer-support and community, so don’t hesitate to get involved. Your journey into the community might start in the student organizations, continue to the startup scene, evolve to masters thesis work at one of the research organizations or companies, and before you notice, you’ve decided to stay here. All it takes is a curious mind, an active attitude, and building your networks from the day one.

Espoo is one of the most international cities in Finland – currently home to 155 different nationalities. According to estimations, the amount of foreign language speakers in Espoo will double by 2030, when we’ll have 30% of the working age population not speaking Finnish or Swedish as their mother tongue. We encourage everyone to learn Finnish or Swedish, as it makes integration into the job market and into the society much easier, but we also want it to be easy to settle down in Espoo and to use the services you are entitled to as our resident.

In 2017, the city council made the decision to introduce English as one of the languages of service in Espoo. We’re the first city in Finland to do this, and as there is no guide book for a process this size, we need your help. Please share your ideas and experiences about public services (e.g. health care, libraries, sport venues) and help us develop a city that works for everyone. The survey is open until 10.9.2018.

Kiitos paljon, and once again, a warm welcome to Espoo. we’re happy you decided to study here!

Milla Ovaska

The writer works as the Head of International Affairs in the City of Espoo and her favourite lunch spot in Otaniemi is in Dipoli. See you around!

P.S. My colleagues at VisitEspoo would get angry at me if I forgot to mention how awesome nature and culture Espoo has! National park, island hopping, museums and activity parks can all be found at

Kina som exempel för Aaltogemenskapen

Monday, June 11th, 2018

Den sittande och den föregÄende styrelsen för Aalto-universitetets studentkÄr besökte Kina och Sydkorea i början av maj för att bekanta sig med den lokala studentverksamheten. HÀr berÀttar styrelsemedlemmarna Mikael Liimatainen och Julius Luukkanen om behÄllningen av resan.

AUS delegation i Beijing

Den första veckan av Kinaresan tillbringades till största delen i Shanghai (vÄr studentcentrumsdelegation tillbringade den hÀr veckan i Sydkorea, hÀr kan du lÀsa mer) och den andra veckan tillbringades i Beijing som gÀster hos studentkÄren vid Tsinghua-universitetet.

Syftet med studieresan var att fördjupa deltagarnas och dÀrigenom studentkÄrens insikter i universitets- och studentlivet utanför Finlands grÀnser. Kina erbjuder den perfekta miljön för det hÀr eftersom landet Àr sÄ annorlunda Àn Finland.

Till den viktigaste behÄllningen av resan hör att bÄda lÀnderna trots sina olikheter tampas med samma typ av problem. Exempelvis integreringen av utlÀndska studenter i den lokala studentgemenskapen och upprÀtthÄllandet av goda förbindelser med universitetet.

Kinesernas och finlĂ€ndarnas perspektiv och lösningar skiljer sig betydligt frĂ„n varandra. “Sharing best practices” och “benchmarking” lyckades alltsĂ„ bra. Att utvidga sitt tĂ€nk och bekanta sig med olika lösningar piggar upp och bidrar med nya synvinklar i AUS framtida verksamhet.

Samtidigt utvecklade delegationen sina globala fĂ€rdigheter – eller rĂ€ttare sagt lĂ€rde sig att ta hĂ€nsyn till kulturella skillnader och anvĂ€nda ett frĂ€mmande sprĂ„k i bĂ„de sakliga och lĂ€ttsamma samtal.

I dagens vÀrld Àr internationella fÀrdigheter ytterst viktiga. Det vi lÀrt oss hjÀlper oss att agera bÀttre ocksÄ i vÄr egen studentkÄr som blir allt mer internationell, och pÄ det sÀttet sprids lÀrdomarna till andra aktörer i Aaltogemenskapen.

VÄra kinesiska vÀrdar, personalen och beslutsfattarna vid Tsinghua-universitetet lÀrde vi kÀnna pÄ mÄnga olika tillstÀllningar. Vi fick ocksÄ bekanta oss med företag och kulturellt vÀrdefulla resmÄl.

Ett sÀrskilt intressant ekonomiskt centrum i Kina Àr Shanghai, dÀr vi frÀmst undersökte finlÀndarens möjligheter i Kina och fick ett finlÀndskt perspektiv pÄ Kina och verksamhetsmiljön dÀr.

BÄde vÄr resa till Kina och kinesernas motsvarande resa till Europa finansieras primÀrt med externt stöd, fondpengar och företagssamarbete. Resans mÄl anknyter ocksÄ pÄ mÄnga sÀtt till företagslivet.

För finlÀndska och andra vÀsterlÀndska företag Àr Kina ett mycket intressant affÀrsmÄl, vilket innebÀr att studenterna vid Aalto-universitetet ocksÄ kan hitta sina framtida arbetsplatser dÀr. DÀrför Àr det viktigt att föra fram AUS, aaltoiterna och Aalto pÄ ett positivt sÀtt vid Kinas bÀsta universitet.

Vi hoppas att samarbetet i framtiden ger oss just det lilla, nödvÀndiga försprÄng som ger oss alla bÀttre möjligheter att lyckas i en av vÀrldens största ekonomier.

Det allmÀnna vÀsterlÀndska intresset för Kina medför ocksÄ nya möjligheter för studentkÄren inom företagssamarbetet och möjliggör viktiga, lÀrorika möten med pÄverkare bÄde i Finland, Europa och Kina. TrÀffarna genererar i sin tur nya möjligheter för studentkÄrens pÄverkansarbete.

Mössor vid Kinesiska muren

Till varje besök hör naturligtvis en svarsvisit. Vi ser fram emot att senare i sommar vÀlkomna vÄra gÀster frÄn Kina som besöker oss för att bekanta sig med den europeiska högskoleutbildningen och AUS verksamhet!

Mikael Liimatainen
styrelsemedlem i AUS (internationella frÄgor)

Julius Luukkanen
styrelsemedlem i AUS (konstnÀrlig verksamhet, varumÀrke, kommunikation, arkivet och museet)

Campusinspiration frÄn Korea

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Styrelsen för Aalto-universitetets studentkÄr besökte Korea i maj för att bekanta sig med de lokala högskolornas campus. Resan vÀckte mÄnga tankar om hur OtnÀs campus kunde utvecklas.

Internationella intryck pÄ Korean Design Factorys campus. Yonsei. Bild: Emma Savela

AUS styrelse reser vart annat Är till Kina för att besöka vÀnstudentkÄren vid Tsinghua universitet i Beijing.

Varje gÄng kombinerar vi resan med ett annat resmÄl för att lÀra oss nÄgot nytt om hur andra universitet och studentkÄrer fungerar. Den hÀr gÄngen Äkte en del av AUS delegation till Aaltos koreanska samarbetsuniversitet KAIST, Yonsei och SNU (Seoul National University).

PÄ taket vid institutionen för miljöteknik testas nya typer av odlingsmetoder i en taktrÀdgÄrd. SNU. PÄ bilden Rosa VÀisÀnen, Niko Ferm och Tapio HautamÀki. Bild: Emma Savela

Högskoleutsikterna i Sydkorea Ă€r pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt intressanta. Trots kulturskillnaderna finns mĂ„nga likheter med Finland. PISA-framgĂ„ngarna, utbildningsexpertisen, satsningarna pĂ„ teknikutveckling
 OcksĂ„ i Korea Ă„ldras befolkningen och behovet av inflyttande experter ökar, vilket betyder att ocksĂ„ Korea försöker locka utlĂ€ndska studerande.

Visst finns det ocksÄ skillnader. I motsats till Finlands nedskÀrningar i utbildningen syns ingen Ànde pÄ de koreanska utbildnings- och forskningsinvesteringarna, och till exempel Är 2015 hade rentav 69 procent av de unga vuxna i Sydkorea en högskoleutbildning. Siffran Àr den högsta i OECD-lÀnderna och 28 procentenheter högre Àn motsvarande siffra i Finland (OECD 2017: Population with tertiary education).

Det fanns mycket att lÀra sig, förstÄ och benchmarka under besöket! PÄ de fyra campus vi besökte sökte vi nya intryck sÀrskilt med tanke pÄ utvecklingen av OtnÀs campus och AUS viktiga Studentcentrumsprojekt.

Trappa att sitta pÄ i KAIST:s nya bibliotek. Ett exempel för vÄrt Studentcentrum? KAIST. Bild: Emma Savela

Idrotten Àr starkt nÀrvarande pÄ campus. KAIST. Bild: Emma Savela

Det allmÀnna intrycket av de koreanska universitetens campus Àr att utomhusomrÄdena utnyttjats pÄ ett sÀrskilt bra sÀtt. Det finns gott om angenÀma utomhusomrÄden.

Till exempel pĂ„ KAIST finns ett vattenelement pĂ„ en central plats pĂ„ campus (de lokala kallar det ”Ankdammen”), riktat mot den centrala öppna platsen och terrassomrĂ„det. OcksĂ„ pĂ„ andra campus finns mĂ„nga trivsamma platser dĂ€r studenterna kan umgĂ„s, studera, pausa eller till exempel Ă€ta en glass.

Sommartid betonas betydelsen av sĂ„dana stĂ€llen i OtnĂ€s – pĂ„ varma och soliga dagar Ă€r den lilla terrassen framför AUS huvudkontor full av mĂ€nniskor som njuter av sommarvĂ€dret. Kanske vi ocksĂ„ borde ha fler sĂ„dana stĂ€llen?

PÄ en central plats pÄ campus finns en damm omgiven av öppna platser och terrasser. KAIST. Bild: Emma Savela

PÄ Yonsei campus bildar vÀxtligheten och olika typer av ytmaterial angenÀma platser för studenterna att vistas. Yonsei. Bild: Emma Savela

PÄ campusomrÄdena framtrÀder ocksÄ grönskan, vÀxtligheten och den mÄngsidiga naturen.

Det sĂ€gs ofta att de bĂ€sta sidorna av Aaltos campus Ă€r grönskan och nĂ€rheten till naturen. ÄndĂ„ framhĂ€vs dessa teman bĂ€ttre i Korea.

Även om naturen spelar en viktig roll pĂ„ OtnĂ€s campus har till exempel OtnĂ€s havsnĂ€ra karaktĂ€r och strĂ€nder knappt utnyttjats alls. Hur ofta mĂ€rker man ens att vĂ„rt campus ligger sĂ„ nĂ€ra havet?

OtnÀs har ÀndÄ en stor potential. I och med det kommande campusutvecklingsarbetet kommer ocksÄ uteomrÄdena med sÀkerhet att fÄ mer uppmÀrksamhet.

Grön miljö pÄ Yonseis huvudcampus. Yonsei. Bild: Emma Savela

Vad gÀller Studentcentrumet finns inga direkta koreanska exempel som direkt skulle bidra till mÄlen för projektvisionen pÄ OtnÀs campus.

PÄ ett allmÀnt plan var benchmarkingen ÀndÄ mycket givande. Det var lÀrorikt att se hur konceptidéer pÄ pappret förverkligats i en annorlunda miljö. Vi hittade exempel pÄ bÄde arbetsutrymmen, printerstÀllen och klubblokaler.

Den personliga ingÄngen till en festarrangörs föreningslokal. SNU. Bild: Emma Savela

DanstrÀningar i korridoren i det lokala studentcentrumet. SNU. Bild: Emma Savela

Rent allmÀnt verkar den koreanska universitetsvÀrlden vara rÀtt annorlunda Àn den finlÀndska.

Det kanske mest minnesvÀrda vid varje universitet var de vÀlmÄende- och jÀmlikhetsteman som Àr aktuella ocksÄ vid Aalto, och deras synlighet pÄ varje campus.

MÀnskliga rÀttigheter och olika sÀtt att ingripa i trakasserier lyfts fram med stora affischer och pÄ webben. HjÀlp finns att fÄ bÄde per telefon och pÄ campusens hjÀlpcentrum. Förutom idéer för att utveckla vÄrt campus fick vi alltsÄ mÄnga nya idéer för AUS jÀmlikhetsarbete.

Affischer för mÀnskliga rÀttigheter pÄ campus. Yonsei. Bild: Tapio HautamÀki

Det bÀsta med besöket var de mÄnga samtalen med lokala studenter och personal. Tack till KAIST, Yonsei, Korean Design Factory och SNU för samarbetet!

Emma Savela
AUS styrelsemedlem (fastigheter och studentcentrumet, boende och andra tjÀnster)

Rosa VÀisÀnen
Intressebevakningssakkunnig (internationella Àrenden och nya studenter)

AYY <3 Tsinghua

Friday, August 25th, 2017

Where Finnish people pride themselves in high standard of education, so do the Chinese. Beijing, a bustling city of 20 million people is the third largest in the world, but in technological education their Tsinghua University is ranked number one, unrivaled even by the famous MIT. And just as in any educational facility, they have a student union to improve the lives of their nearly 40 thousand students.

The cooperation between Tsinghua University’s Student Union SUTU with Finnish students started by chance in 2004, when two students and active members of their respective student unions met at a European Conference and decided to bring their worlds closer together. Since then the original party to cooperate with SUTU, the Student Union of the Helsinki University of Technology (TKY) has ceased to exist and merged with other student unions into AYY, Aalto-university Student Union. Despite this, both parties have worked ceaselessly to strengthen the bonds between them. A SUTU delegate visits Finland every year, and in return two of AYY’s boards travel to China every other year.

This year the visit of Chinese students fell upon mid-August. Knowing the Finnish summer AYY’s board members had been worried about the activities they had organised all summer, scared they might be foiled by fickle storms. As Monday came and the guests arrived, they were greeted by the oh so familiar summer drizzle. But they weren’t unprepared, and soon the bleak grey skies were obscured by umbrellas, one more colourful than the other.

First day in rainy Espoo.

The Chinese students’ flight had been long, so Monday’s programme was kept brief: a short introduction of both student unions’ functions, as well as a few ice breakers. A tour around the campus ended in the newly renovated Dipoli, where students met up with newly appointed President of Aalto, Ilkka NiemelĂ€. The night ended on a high note as the company gathered at AYY’s Rantasauna, the seaside sauna. The guests were greeted by an old AYY spokesperson of 2013, Piia Kuosmanen, who had taken her turn visiting SUTU and who now works closely with Chinese businesses in the field of technology. With her lead the two groups talked about the similarities and differences in Finnish and Chinese cultures. Naturally the guests also got a first-hand experience of the Finnish culture, as they got to warm up in the sauna as well as take a dip into the cold, cold sea.

As Tuesday rolled around, so did the sun, finally gracing Helsinki with its warmth. The Chinese guests were given an extensive tour of our beautiful capital, its nature and architecture – most notably Kamppi’s Chapel of Silence, The Parliament House and its surroundings, as well as more industrial areas such as that around Nosturi.

The first company visit planned lead the delegation to Naisasialiito Unioni, the feminist non-governmental organization. Its Secretary General, Milla Pyykkönen, lead a conversation that interested both the Chinese and Finnish representatives. The parties got to hear about the development of gender equality in Finland, as well as Naisliitto Unioni’s project to increase gender sensitivity in early childhood education.

Board member Onni guiding the tour around the campus.


As the weather continued to surprise and delight, the visit continued with a trip to the national park of Nuuksio and its picturesque lakeside. As could be expected, the programme constisted of grilling, sauna and general wandering around the forest. As citizens of an industrial metropolis, the guests were most fascinated by blueberries, right there for their picking.

To balance out the relaxing day surrounded by nature, the next day was filled with excursions to Helsinki area’s businesses, starting with Metso Automation in Vantaa. The company’s Director of Technology, Jukka Borgman, walked the party through the workings of the organization, as well as the physical facilities. Highly automated valve and flow control device producing plant gave our guests interesting view of Finland’s advanced manufacturing industry. The tour ended in lunch in Metso’s own cafeteria.

Board member Pyry explaining the blueprints of Dipoli.


Obviously one excursion a day is not enough, so in the afternoon the delegation headed to Finnair’s headquarters, located at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. A general introduction was lead by Finnair’s VP Group Treasurer, Christine Rovelli, followed by a workshop on the development of Finnair’s services on the Chinese market, facilitated by the Project Lead in Corporate Development, Henrik Balkin. Afterwards Finnair kindly invited the students for snacks and a great view over the whole airport. And as if that wasn’t enough excitement for one day, the night ended with a headfirst dive into the culture of Finnish academic table parties, sitsit.

The Chinese guests’ last full day in Finland began together with the chair of board of Espoo City Council, Markku Markkula, who also serves as a chair of board in EU Committee of Regions. He walked the students through the development of the city. The afternoon was spent at EtelĂ€ranta which houses the headquarters of ElinkeinoelĂ€mĂ€n keskusliitto, Confederation of Finnish Industries. EK’s leading economist, Penna Urrila, told the delegation about how the Finnish economy is constructed and how it is going to develop in the future.

In the evening the guests had some time to pack up before meeting up for a dinner party that also served as Aalto’s former President Tuula Teeri’s farewell party. The party continued long into the night, but by 5 in the morning the Chinese part of the company had to leave for the airport, accompanied by a few sleepy-eyed members of AYY’s board.

The Finnish boards’ reciprocal visit to Beijing will have to wait until next year. But we are sure that the bonds we built will last and that our visit will be as much of a success as SUTU’s trip here – full of smiles, excitement and mutual appreciation. ć†è§ (zĂ i jiĂ n) – it doesn’t mean goodbye, it means see you later!

Text: Noora VĂ€nttinen/Katarina Vesikko

Photos: Petteri Heliste

Why Small and Medium Enterprises Need to Focus on Internationalization of Workforce

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017

In this blog post Alok Jain from AYY’s Corporate Relations section writes about the internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises and how AYY aims to boost it by arranging My Career in Finland event for the international talent of the Aalto community.

In Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) internationalization of workforce might not be a priority. Usually, the need for the international workforce is felt when SMEs venture into a new market or when it requires specific skills. However, internationalization of workforce in SMEs can prove to be much more useful. In today’s turbulent industrial environment, internationalization can help SMEs in its survival and early recognition of opportunities.

SMEs ride on the wave of turbulence that exists in today’s business environment. The business environment of almost all the industry is changing at a fast pace and it is not going to stop in near future. Change is real and it is coming! The success of most of the SMEs today may be attributed to their ability to foresee opportunities in turbulence and capitalize on it. Consequently, it can be said with utmost certainty, that survival and success of SMEs in future will depend on its ability to ride the wave of turbulence in the respective industry. In such business environment, stability or equilibrium is the precursor to death. Organizational stability is the greatest risk for which SMEs need to plan its strategy. Strategic planning in a complex and unforeseen environment is always a difficult task, however; the positive aspect of a complex environment is that it has the capacity to self-organize! Therefore, to avoid organizational stability, it just needs to be disturbed! The dots do connect, and connect for better if the lattice is disturbed in just the right way!

This is achieved because bounded instability is the breeding ground for innovation. A perfectly stable organizational environment does not generate innovative solutions, nor does a highly chaotic one. A right mix of chaos can instill the capability to innovate. The right mix of chaos can disturb the organizational lattice and reorganize it with innovation! The right mix of chaos can help SMEs survive in the turbulent business environment. The right mix of chaos has always been a key for survival; it is the law of nature. Nature has created diversity to induce right mix of chaos and help survival. The species without diversity among it is the most vulnerable to external threat. This is because a lack of diversity makes it easier for external agents to plan their move against such species.

This is true for organizations as well. People are the chromosomes of organizations. People are the genetic material of the organization that creates diversity and induces right mix of chaos! Such diversity within the organization makes them less vulnerable to turbulent business environment. Internationalization of workforce, thus, is an urgent need of SMEs.

True, SMEs can hire international people to achieve this objective, but here’s the rub: this alone is not sufficient to bring the required diversity and right mix of chaos. The existing social order and organizational culture act as ‘antibodies’ to neutralize the advantage of diversity. Internationalization of workforce can be achieved when the organizational culture allows accommodating different opinions and encourages personal development.

To facilitate this AYY is organizing a career event targeted to international members of the community with the name ‘My Career in Finland’ on the 21st November of 2017. The event is expected to see participation from 400 international students representing 95 different nationality. The event features different career related workshops, talks and networking opportunity with companies. Register an employer stand at the event now! Follow this link to know more about the event.

Alok Jain
AYY’s Corporate Relations Section

Blog text Adapted from Pascale, R.T. ‘Surfing the edge of chaos’, Sloan management review, 1999.

Survey on health care services and health insurances of international students – the alarming results

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

Students from outside of the EU/EEA need to have a residency permit to start their studies in Finland, and having a private health insurance is one of the requirements for getting a residency permit. Degree students of all nationalities are entitled to a home municipality in Finland and can use public healthcare services. Students from EU member countries can use public health care services with a European Health Insurance Card. All university students who are members of any student union can also use the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS/YTHS). However, international students do not have access to KELA benefits (unless they work in Finland for a certain time period).

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) in cooperation with the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) has conducted a survey on the use of these healthcare services and health insurances among international students in Finland. The survey was produced by the research foundation Otus. The anonymous survey collected 475 answers from students in Aalto and Helsinki universities, 246 of which were degree or exchange students from Aalto University.

In the survey we wanted to find out how well international students know the health service providers, how do the health insurances work and what kind of channels are used to get information on these issues. In the next sections we will first go over receiving care, then health insurances and issues with these.


Receiving treatment

In this section we will present results on how well international students received treatment. One of the questions was how well international students received required health care services while staying in Finland. These results are covered in table 1.


Table 1. Have you received the required care or health services in Finland? (n= 303)


There is a clear difference between students who have come from EU/EAA countries and students from outside EU/EEA in attainment of health care services. Only 64% of non-EU/EEA students said they felt they got the required treatment always or on most occasions, whereas 81% of EU/EEA students report the same.

Out of the students from both EU/ETA and other countries those who did not always receive the care they needed brought up different reasons. These results are represented in table 2.


Table 2. If you have not always received required healthcare, how often did you receive care despite these reasons? (n= 475) (NB. there was an option to choose several reasons)


The main reason for not getting treatment among participants was not knowing what their insurance covered. 64% of the respondents felt that unawareness of these issues lead to them receiving required treatment sometimes, seldom, or never at all. The other major reasons were not being aware of available services and being deemed not eligible for aid by health care services.


Health insurances used by international students

In this section we will go over different health insurances used by international students and their experiences with applying for compensation and dealing with insurance companies. These questions were asked only from students from outside EU/ETA for whom the insurance is required.

There are several health insurance providers international students use. The insurance recommended by Finnish authorities and universities is SIP Insurances, according to a tendering process done in the early 2010s by a consortium of universities. SIP Insurances have a market share of 26% among the respondents. As seen in table 3, other popular insurances are Swisscare (27%) and International Student Insurance (13%).

Table 3. Health insurance provider (n=323) 


The respondents were also asked about the process of acquiring an insurance. Only 38% of the respondents felt they had received enough information regarding the contents of the insurance and the terms of compensation, as seen in table 4. Buying an insurance does not seem to be a difficult process for the respondents, but it seems that students just get the insurance for the sake of getting the residency permit – without really knowing how the insurance functions or what its coverage is.



Table 4. Opinions on getting the insurance among students with insurance (n= 323)

As seen in table 5, the biggest problem of getting insurance was not knowing what kind of insurance one should buy, which 35% of respondents found to be an issue. 30% felt it was difficult to find information on the different available options. According to the official report the most popular source of information were university pages (32%), Migri web pages (22%), friends (21%) and Study in Finland web pages (19%).

Some students (4%) found that their general health, such as pre-existing conditions made it hard to get an insurance. This is extremely worrisome and against the principle of equality.


Table 5. Issues when getting the insurance (n=323)


Table 6. shows the issues stated above as complied into different insurance providers. Note that in some of these the amount of answers was very low.


‘Table 6. Insurances as complied by different providers.



International students are required to have a private health insurance in order to commence their studies in Finland, but they are left alone with the problems they face with insurances. There is not enough information provided by the authorities, Study in Finland page or the universities, and when compared to similar pages in other European countries, the level of detail on Finnish pages is rather low.

Finnish authorities and universities only thinking about providing international students with degrees is unsustainable. A more holistic approach to internationalisation of universities is needed in Finland. Putting efforts into developing degrees and teaching is important, but if basic services like health care, banking or immigration services have grave problems, Finland is hardly a dream destination. What needs to be taken into account is the whole experience of integrating international students into the Finnish society, and problems with basic needs such as healthcare reflect negatively on the image of Finnish education.

International students have the right to a well-functioning, affordable and accessible insurance, as well as proper information on healthcare and health insurances. Issues with health care and adequate compensation for health care costs need to be taken very seriously. If Finland truly wants to welcome its international students, all parties involved need to step up their game. A new tendering process is needed, as the health insurance now recommended by the universities and authorities has the gravest problems and lowest customer satisfaction among students. Immigration authorities, universities and the National Agency for Education need to sit down together and start developing solutions.


Milla Ovaska, Specialist, International Affairs

Aalto University Student Union

contact: international(at)

Day 7 with Tsinghua: Finnish business and farewell to our friends

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Theme for the last day of Tsinghua University student visit was Finnish companies and business. We visited Metso, a big Finnish exchange-listed machinery company serving eg. mining, construction, oil and gas, pulp, paper and process industries and Supercell, a successful gaming company behind HayDay and Clash of Clans. The day was concluded by a happy farewell dinner with our friends.

Our visit at Metso began with a bus ride to Metso Flow Control facility at Hakkila, Vantaa where the primary manufacturing focus is on valves. We were welcomed by the Head of Offering Management Taina Rajala who introduced us to the company.

The visit continued with an interesting tour at the manufacturing floor. Robots picking up components to be assembled into products verified the vision of a modern and progressive facility and company. One other thing that really caught our Chinese friends’ attention was the safety of all personnel, which was visible all around the facility. Even though most of our group weren’t previously familiar with the technology, there was a great deal of interesting things to see. It was our common opinion that Metso would certainly be an interesting and attractive employer.

Our visitor group at Metso Flow Control facility in Vantaa. Safety first!

Our visitor group at Metso Flow Control facility in Vantaa. Safety first!

After Metso we visited Supercell at their HQ in Ruoholahti. This was one of the most anticipated visits for our guests and they had a lot of user feedback and suggestions about the successful Clash Royale mobile game. During the visit we were told about the ideology around which the whole company is built: best people make best games. It was interesting to see the freedom and independence of the Supercell. For example the CEO Ilkka Paananen has little power on what the teams decide to do and people are free to switch teams. We want to thank our AYY board alumni Janne Peltola for hosting the visit!

CEO Ilkka Paananen was also one of the founding members of the hugely successful and international Slush startup event so it was only natural to invite Slush members Josefiina Kotilainen and Olga Balakina along to tell our guests what it is all about. The Aalto University Startup ecosystem intrigued us a lot and our Chinese friends found it especially interesting how large portion of it is accomplished volunteers and students.

Taste of super awesome mobile gaming atmosphere at Supercell!

Taste of super awesome mobile gaming atmosphere at Supercell!

In the evening we had to bid our dear friends farewell. We had a nice dinner and finnish dishes including roast reindeer, meatballs and salmon. The entire week was over very fast with interesting program and interesting people. It was very nice to get to know our guests and to know that the connection between us and our student unions will last.

AYY would like to thank Tsinghua Student Union for precious gifts and our partner Metso for support!

Tsinghua university student union sightseeing in Helsinki and academic dinner party with Aalto-Tsinghua startup bridge

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Saturday with our guests started with introducing the wonders of our public transport system by taking the bus 102T. The view of coastal Espoo got compliments from the Tsinghua students and we discussed the history of Helsinki and the differences between Helsinki and Beijin on our way to Kamppi.

For our sightseeing tour we chose to walk from Kamppi to Stockmann and from there to the Senate Square, talking about the architecture and different landmark buildings like the modern arts museum on the way as well as pointing out the main spots for shopping. It seems like everything in Finland is currently being renovated but this did not seem to bother our guests much, likely because construction sites are such a common sight in China.

We left our guests off at the Market Square to have a free reign on how to spend the afternoon in Helsinki and went off to prepare for the main event of the day which was an introduction to the academic sitsi party culture! The dinner party was at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi and attending were our guests, the Aalto-Tsinghua startup bridge group and a number of former AYY board members. The sitsi party was a great success, with brilliant musical performances by some of the guests, remembering past visits between Aalto and Tsinghua and an all-vegan menu featuring the Finnish innovation pulled oats.


View from the sitsi party on saturday.

The second day in our schedule was on the more relaxed side in anticipation for the upcoming week full of formal visits from the morning until late in the day.